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Category: Branded Content

All of our branded content, native advertising and paid, custom, sponsored content content.

Notable content includes How branded content drives business outcomes, The Best Native of 2021 (and the six years prior 20,19,18,17,16,15).

On Valentine’s Day, Consumers Spend 69% Longer on Quizzes

  Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us!   Some people will look to spoil, others will want to be spoiled. Some will spend the day curled up on the couch eating crisps, wishing for the the day to be over…   I’m no dating expert, but I do know a thing or two about advertising; more specifically branded content campaigns [feel free to take a moment to appreciate my seamless transition]. So, in this post… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 9, 2018
Super Bowl 2018, branded content
Super Bowl 2018, branded content

Super Bowl | Ad Predictions, Content Formats & Distribution Insights

  Post Summary: The Top Performing Content Formats Best Time of Day to Drive Traffic, by Device 7 Super Bowl Campaigns Ad Predictions, Super Bowl ’18 Methodology   The Super Bowl is coming up later this week, and without advertising, Super Bowl would be like Donald Trump without a tan…   …Impossible.   As you may know, we have a tremendous wealth of data here at Nudge, and this… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
January 31, 2018

The Best Native Advertising Examples of 2018

It’s this time of year again, when the best brands and publishers are awarded for all of their hard work. When the kings and queens of branded content (aka sponsored/native content) are crowned champions… I’m of course talking about the best native ads of 2018. Throughout 2018, we’ve picked extraordinary campaigns, which we’ve spotlighted in This Week in Native Ads (sign up to the newsletter here). Being included in This Week in Native Ads, automatically gets you… Continue reading

Jessica Toib
Jessica Toib
January 16, 2018

The Best Native Ads of 2017

Wow, how is it already time to review 2017’s best native ads? This year has flown by! I do love this time of year though; being able to take a step back and look at the year in review reveals which path the industry has taken and makes me wonder: where are we going next? So, how did we make sure we surfaced the best ads? Each week of the year, we share the latest campaigns of the… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
December 18, 2017

How consumption of content changes on Thanksgiving & Black Friday

Something we pride ourselves on here at Nudge is our ability to analyze all of our rich data to spot the latest trends. More specifically post-click, behavioral data. This time, we set out to analyze how consumers consumption of content changes on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. We were able to do this by comparing the past week’s results against Nudge’s 2016 and 2017 benchmarks, i.e. macro trends vs specific holiday trends. In this article you’ll find key outtakes from this… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
December 1, 2017
programmatic direct native advertising
programmatic direct native advertising

Native Tactics #4 Programmatic Direct Native Advertising

Native tactics are simple ways to grow the value and scale of your native content campaigns. In this blog series, we’ll be featuring tactics that you may or may not currently have in your arsenal, but most definitely should. Over time, this blog series will feature a bunch of great tactics that you and your team should be utilizing – find them here… #4 Programmatic Direct Native Advertising Over the last couple of years, digital advertising buyers have had… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
September 21, 2017
Influencer marketing and branded content
Influencer marketing and branded content

Native Tactics #3 Influencers Drive High Quality Traffic

  Native tactics are simple ways to grow the value and scale of your native content campaigns.   In this blog series, we’ll be featuring tactics that you may or may not currently have in your arsenal, but most definitely should.   Over time, this blog series will feature a bunch of great tactics that you and your team should be utilizing – find them here… #3 Use influencers to drive high quality traffic… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
September 14, 2017

Native Tactics #2 Plan for SEO

Native tactics are simple ways to grow the value and scale of your native content campaigns. In this blog series, we’ll be featuring tactics that you may or may not currently have in your arsenal, but most definitely should. Over time, this blog series will feature a bunch of great tactics that you and your team should be utilizing – find them here… #2 Plan for SEO Search engine optimization need not be a dirty word for brand campaigns, it… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 5, 2017

Native Tactics #1 Email Newsletters

  Native tactics are simple ways to grow the value and scale of your native content campaigns.   In this blog series, we’ll be featuring tactics that you may or may not currently have in your arsenal, but most definitely should.   Over time, this blog series will feature a bunch of great tactics that you and your team should be utilizing – find them here…   #1 Email Newsletters   First… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
August 31, 2017
B2B in Native Advertising
B2B in Native Advertising

How B2B Brands Win at Native Content

Over the past few years, ad-blocking technology has had massive boost in consumer adoption, seeing a 30 percent growth spurt in 2016 alone. At the same time, both banner and interstitial ads have seen declining appeal from consumers and advertisers alike. They are often perceived to ruin the user’s browsing experience, leading to bad results for the advertiser. 10 years ago, B2B agencies weren’t a thing – but they have grown significantly off the increased demand. All businesses now… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
May 10, 2021