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Nudge updates, hires, notes.

2/3 of Q2

Edition #405 2/3 of the way through Q2, will the promising land of H2 arrive? Cannes, JRR Tolkien on creativity and Emily in Paris. 2/3 of the way through the second quarter. With many looking to close it out on the promenade over frose in Cannes. We’re closer to the second half, will that promised, we pushed it to the second half eventuate? Let’s see as the quarter closes out. If the hype around Cannes is any indication,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 2, 2023

Main Thing

Edition #396 Spotify to buy TikTok? Kottke turns 25 and Lifehacker sold. TikTok has been told to divest its US business, in light of security concerns about its data. Notably the US has asked TikTok to do this before and backed down. It’s hard not to see this as a bit of a geopolitical baton. Which it is. But Matt Weinberger of Insider Tech put out a tweet Wednesday morning, who would be the funniest company to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2023

Enterprise Pricing

How Enterprise pricing works at Nudge. We charge a platform fee, which is based on traffic volume. To estimate, you can use our Pricing calculator at the bottom of our pricing page. Typically you can bundle Enterprise Services once your platform fee exceeds $70k/year or $5.8k/month.   Notes on what counts as billable traffic For agencies, if you are placing Nudge on the destination page or piece of content. You want to estimate the total traffic or clicks to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 5, 2023

How Nudge pays for itself

Nudge is a toolkit to help businesses to get a better understanding of how customers are engaging. That feedback loop helps them make better decisions to improve effectiveness and efficiency. The ways Nudge pays for itself is through time saving for the folks using the technology. Enabling them to get to insights and action faster. And encouraging more use of data in their workflows through the easy to use dashboard. Once these are actioned, an improvement of a 5-15% on… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 3, 2023

Advertisers, how Nudge Pays for itself

The challenge of bringing on any new vendor is understanding how it adds value to what you’re already doing. The ultimate stress test is how a vendor helps pay for itself and generates a greater return on investment. This is the biggest litmus test that Nudge holds ourselves to.   How Nudge helps pay for itself 1. Back the winning horse. One of our clients quickly learned that one of their pieces of content outperformed others by 60%, meaning… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
November 14, 2022

What is the best marketing analytics for beginners?

The hurdle to getting started with analytics can be quite high. Which is where usability is important. Nudge is well suited for beginners through to pros, by providing an easy to use dashboard. Which can be used without training. That helps beginners to get going and then they can tap into some of the more advanced features. … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

What are the most important marketing analytics tools

The most important tools, are those that help you get to a real understanding of the customer faster. Nudge enables you to get customer insights with ease, diving straight into how customers are engaging, what they’re paying attention to, where they’re coming from, on what devices. And then it makes analysts jobs easier by synthesizing the data into insights, so you can get from insight to action faster. … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

Be interesting

Edition #373 CBC retains its branded content division, Twitter notes and on being interesting. One big thing Cannes was back this week! David Berkowitz jammed on a take on Anti Canne (whilst he attended). As did Sir Martin. We didn’t go this year, the simple equation was that when we calculated a per head cost, it was double last time we attended. Ouch. That’s not to say it’s not worth it, but where else could that money go to work more effectively? What if that went into the product. Etc etc. We can rationalize these decisions but I bet for many, reconnecting with peers and getting inspired, was worth it. And not necessarily tangible. Maybe next year for us. Now no one likes to be surprised, especially when it comes to data. And for our own data I’ve built a muscle memory over time so can see when things shift. So when something jumps out I pay attention to it. One of the analysis we have been doing is looking at earned impressions but also earned attention. Seeing not just drives clicks but what drives engagement. For us, LinkedIn is driving an outsized quality of traffic. But we don’t really do anything on LinkedIn, so it’s messages, profile visits etc. Word of mouth and higher intent is driving that quality. So, do I rush and to do more LinkedIn? Well, maybe, but my ROI right now is pretty unbeatable. Maybe best to focus on the things which create that word of mouth. And take some of the gravy. That’s Steve Bryant’s riff this week on creating interesting stuff. Give it a peek, you won’t regret it. Notable stories this week Twitter launches Notes. Why your brand’s content is sooo boring. What good narrative strategy looks like. Semafor launches. CBC can keep its controversial branded content division. Why limited-time brand activations rule in Roblox - for now. Chipotle is an early winner. How will brands measure ad performance in the Metaverse? Twitch ad update offers some streamers big money, others pocket change. NBCU is the exclusive reseller for Apple News and Apple Stocks in the UK. GroupM & iSpot quantify CTV impression overcounts. And Netflix meets with Google to discuss its ad business. Twitter partners with Shopify to bring merchants products to Twitter. And is bringing Branded Likes to the platform. Google News gets a redesign. Walmart to enable product purchases via Roku. [Long read] ‘Wallets and eyeballs’ how eBay turned the internet into a marketplace. Deals/M&A Tremor International in advanced talks to buy Amobee. Campaign of the Week How to make foil-packet Chicken Fajitas. Food Network with Do Good Chicken. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 24, 2022
Coinbase Super Bowl Ad
Coinbase Super Bowl Ad

QR Codes

Edition #358 QR codes, how Fortune got to $100m and attention. One big thing The sheer bravery of Coinbase to run that ad in the Super Bowl is to be applauded. Yes it performed well, 20 million visits in one minute. Crashed their site. One quip I saw was that marketing beat engineering! But it might not have. For those that haven’t seen it here it is. A QR code bouncing around a screen, just like the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 18, 2022
Nudging Finger
Nudging Finger

Nudge, a book, a theory and an entrepreneur walked into a bar

Nudge is commonly thought of, as the behavioral economics book. Or ‘nudging’ consumers along. The third pillar (amongst marketers) is us, Nudge, the software company. So what is Nudge? Nudge is the act of prodding someone, to pay attention to something else. Nudge is a popular book of the same name, getting into behavioral theory, more on Nudge theory here. Nudge is a software company, that creates marketing software that gives data and insights to Nudge your marketing… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 6, 2020