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Category: Analytics

All of our analytics content, including glossary, how to.

Attention Metrics

Attention metrics seek to accurately measure the attention of the person interacting with an experience.  Attention metrics have became popular through a resurgence in the use of them on digital advertising. The intent there is to measure how impactful, the environment, the placement and the creative itself is.  There also is a field of attention measurement that extends to websites and web apps to capture how users interact.  Advertising use of attention metrics  These can be… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 1, 2024

Bringing attention metrics to earned media

Imagine a great press write up? But no one’s reading it?! Measuring what matters most, the rise of attention metrics in earned media. PR metrics have languished behind other parts of the media mix, which is why now is a right time to bring new metrics in, to help show how well they do. This post dives into how attention metrics show the impact & ROI of earned media. If an ad gets 2 seconds of attention (which in some… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 20, 2024

2024 Datapoints of Note

All the datapoints of note from the newsletter this year. You can view all old newsletters here. This list, top to bottom, goes from oldest to newest. In November, Comscore reported that The Messenger generated 88m page views in only 7 months. Substack writer Eric Newcomer says his revenue surpassed $1m in 2023. With 75,000 free subscribers and 2,000 paid subscribers. People on TikTok are reportedly tipping as much as $11m a day. Online… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 29, 2024

The Analytics Note Resources

We will add to this page, resources mentioned in the newsletter. SubReddits Data is beautiful. Analytics Podcasts World of DAAS Newsletters Seattle Data Guy Twitter follows Ben Rogojan, @Seattle Data Guy Eric Seufert, @eric_seufert… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 16, 2024

How to set up Nudge on your product

Nudge captures an array of engagement metrics which help to sort through the noise of product usage and surface valuable insights. Revisit the Nudge features and metrics. Product managers benefit from the out of the box analysis the Nudge provides. To get set up, we recommend trying to the default, then configuring any additional measurements to fine tune the data collection.   1. Drop the code on, to capture the initial dataset. Install the javascript on your dashboard views. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 20, 2023

How to optimize your Product Listing) and Product Detail Pages

Nudge enables eCommerce marketers to drive performance on their Product Listing Pages (PLPs) and Product Detail Pages (PDPs). This post dives into helping optimize the performance of these pages. Nudge is an analytics platform, that takes the best of advertising metrics, content, sitemap & site metrics, and delivers them in a real-time dashboard. The Nudge platform collects metrics like: Scroll Drop off Time to scroll Time to drop off Average scroll Engagement thresholds Engaged bounces These metrics give eCommerce marketers deeper… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 16, 2023

How to track scroll depth

Using Nudge you can be set up & track scroll depth within 10 minutes. With no additional config. Scroll depth is a measure that reports on how far users are scrolling down a page. Useful metrics related to this are, the time to scroll, i.e. how fast users are scrolling and where do people drop off, highlighting where users drop off.  These metrics help give context to the scroll depth and average scroll.  Nudge captures these metrics,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2023

Attention = Demand

We talk about attention a lot, but what is it really other than an expression of demand? If a consumer is active on a page, or with your content, they are expressing demand for what you offer. With attention the hot topic in advertising, it feels like its applicability in other areas, like content, your website and downstream parts of the advertising mix are missed out. Attention is the currency which drives demand for advertisers… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 11, 2023

Why speed is important for Analytics

Imagine if you only measured users that don’t make mistakes, it would present a more cheery picture of reality right? The problem is with slower code, that’s what happens. If every user is patient, fully loads the page, doesn’t click away fast, nor swaps tabs, or loses connectivity. Then they would all be counted by analytics. However in the real world, over a population of users these issues are commonplace. And in these scenarios, analytics code may not load. Providing… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 29, 2023

Analytics Statistics 2023

Each week in our newsletter we share the latest info we find. This post collates those for the year. Marketers question viability of full-funnel measurement, only 53% of marketers are confident of full-funnel measurement. Software spending in 2024 should rise 12%. 79% of marketers expect marketing goals to increase this year. Brand recall and enjoyability are the top two key attributed that determine the success of brand campaigns. 33% of business leaders said they… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 24, 2023