Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2023

Using Nudge you can be set up & track scroll depth within 10 minutes. With no additional config.

Scroll depth is a measure that reports on how far users are scrolling down a page. Useful metrics related to this are, the time to scroll, i.e. how fast users are scrolling and where do people drop off, highlighting where users drop off.ย 

These metrics help give context to the scroll depth and average scroll.ย 

Nudge captures these metrics, and after installing the code, can be obtained for each URL in its real-time dashboard.ย 

Further, Nudge gives you scroll benchmarks, so you can see when a URL is above or below its scroll benchmark.ย 

To track scroll depth:

1. Enter your domain.ย 

2. Install your code.ย 

3. Get your scroll metrics

Simple and easy, collect scroll metrics and other data points when you set up your analytics.


How it works

The Nudge javascript sits on the page, and when a user comes in, it analyzes how they scroll up and down the page. Nudge also overlays attention to this, to highlight where on the page users are paying attention to.

Users can then view their data in the real-time analytics dashboard. Access benchmarks. And find trends.


Sign up to Nudge to get started.


This is part of our Guide to Scroll Depth.
