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Tag: paid content

Paid content is a rapidly growing ad format as content becomes the traceable commodity between brands, mediums and consumers. View the latest data, insights, examples and case studies on the Nudge blog.

3 Tips to Improve your Native Content

I was reviewing a bunch of Nudge campaigns this morning – and wanted to share three quick things that can be done to improve. Headlines Headlines Headlines Headlines need to be punchy, that doesn’t mean short but a bit more direct in what the user is going to get. Content Length Don’t be afraid to make the content longer, not beefing it up with fluff but just sharing more of the story. There is a strong correlation between increased content length… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 28, 2016

Definition of Native Content

What is the definition of native content? Definition: A piece of content that has been commissioned or paid to be placed on an external website with the view that the content fits and the form and function of where it exists. Sponsored content is a term often used for native content How does it relate to native advertising? Native content is a type of native advertising. The criteria making it native is that: It is designed to fit in with the publisher… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 18, 2016

Native Advertising vs Branded Content

How do you tell the difference between native advertising and branded content? Branded content is where content is developed by the brand, for distribution. Sometimes it is created by an influencer, who shares it with their networks, or shares it on the brands owned networks. i.e. a DJ creates a track for your company and shares it via SoundCloud. Native advertising, is where that content is promoted on other websites, or prominently within the site it is shared on. Think… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 18, 2016

Native advertising vs Sponsored Content

In our Branded Content and Native Advertising Glossary we define each. Native advertising, describes the overall trend of creating advertising that is designed to fit the form and function of the site it resides on. Sponsored content, similar to paid content, describes content that has been paid for by a brand. Content may or may not be directly related to the brand. You would say Sponsored Content is a type of Native Advertising, colloquially it… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 11, 2016

Not all native advertisers should do content marketing but…

Not all native advertisers should do content marketing but all content marketers should do native. Why? If you are doing content marketing, you reach a point whereby you need a fresh audience, new eyeballs on what you’re working on. That’s where native works really well, to bring in distribution (through in-feed) and context/relevance through buying content. All effective content marketers will get to this point. However, not all native advertisers can do content-marketing whether it’s resourcing, return on investment, or simply put… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 28, 2015
The New Math of Sustainable Investing by The Atlantic for Morgan Stanley
The New Math of Sustainable Investing by The Atlantic for Morgan Stanley

The Best of the Best Native Ads 2015

It’s been a big year for native advertising and the content which drives the industry. Each week we feature a campaign of the week, so we thought we’d end the year with a summary of the best of the best we’ve seen. Visit Intel by Nudge, a platform which has all of the world’s branded content organized in one place. Most Creative: Cocainenomics by WSJ for Netflix Netflix & WSJ smashed it out of the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 17, 2015

The Best Native Advertising Examples

You’re looking for the best native advertising examples, under the IAB native ad guidelines, there are six main types: Infeed units, ads designed to fit in the flow of content, i.e. Facebook promoted post. Paid search units, ads designed to look similar to search results, i.e. Google Adwords. Recommendation units, ads that look like content links under an article, i.e. OutBrain. Promoted listings, ads (often on ecommerce sites) with promoted views. In-Ad, hard to describe. Custom/Can’t be contained, custom ads… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 25, 2015

Best practices for placing native ad content

In this post we share a few insights we get by providing analytics for native ad content.  Keep in mind this is a nascent industry so standards are still being developed but this is a place to start. Evaluate the technology stack You want to check for a few things: On your native ad content, how long do you get this space for? Also are other advertisers going to get to bid on ad space on it? We see too… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 11, 2014

88% brand recall on custom native ads

As a by-product of a recent study, we found that of the participants that identified sponsored content as an ad, 88% could recall the brand in the article. An astonishing result. We recruited participants to read sponsored content and answer a short survey afterwards. Of the questions, one was to identify who the ad was for. There were a two key content types: 1) Thought leadership in the brands area. 2) Interview series brought to you by the brand. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2014