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Category: Branded Content

All of our branded content, native advertising and paid, custom, sponsored content content.

Notable content includes How branded content drives business outcomes, The Best Native of 2021 (and the six years prior 20,19,18,17,16,15).

How to sell native content

You’ve decided to include native content as part of your offering. Fantastic. But first, take a while to figure out the best way of selling your native content. We’ve put together some essential steps that will help you develop your product proposition.  Understand your product Before you start selling native content campaigns, you need to make sure that your offering is clear. If you’re a tech site that has high engagement… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
August 18, 2015

Finance Category – Native Content Review

  Each month Nudge looks into Native content within different categories to find out which content styles and publishers perform the best. It’s a chance to see what others are doing within your category and take learnings for your next campaign. For reviewing all content we’ve used the Nudge diagnostic. This is a tool that can be found at giveitanudge.com to find shares, estimated earned impressions and estimated media value. If you’d like to suggest… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
August 10, 2015

Native Content: Sponsored Content Hubs

Native Content at it’s very heart is about fitting within a publishers style of content for a seamless user experience that allows brands to engage with the publishers audience. We’ve all seen great examples of true native content; NY Times for Netflix, BuzzFeed for BMW i3 and more. Why do these work so well? Because they combine a brand message with an editorial standpoint from a publisher that readers appreciate. To help explain why these work so well lets take a… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
August 5, 2015

Why you need quality metrics: The ROI of Native Content

Native advertising can seem a bit daunting. Media consumption is changing and native advertising is the answer. But native has new players, a new language, different methodologies and can sometimes feel a little overwhelming. Native is an exciting space that’s allowing brands to talk with their consumers in a more direct way than ever before. However, when it comes to native content it’s important to remember that without quality metrics you’re unable to prove the… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
July 21, 2015

Native Content – Auto Category

Each month Nudge will be looking into Native content within different categories to find out which performs the best. It will be a chance to see what others are doing within your category and take learnings for your next campaign. To kick off this series we’ll be starting with the Automotive Category. There’s a lot of material here to review so we’ve focused on campaigns that range across different types of content and audience targeting. For reviewing all content we’ve… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
June 26, 2015

Five Tips for Bloggers Networks on Paid Content Campaigns

Nudge has measured a high volume of bloggers network campaigns. Throughout these campaigns we’ve picked up some tips to get the best results out of your bloggers and hit those client objectives. Have a read through the tips below and then check out the Bloggers Club case study that you can download at the end. Tip One: Bloggers networks tend to be more agile than bigger publishers. This means that as long as you’re keeping an eye on… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
June 18, 2015

How to Produce the Best Native Content, from Some of the Best in the Business

  We recently hosted our second native ad talks, this time talking Content Production. Moderated by Lucia Moses, our panelists were Adam Aston (Editorial Director the NY Times T Brand Studio) and Joe Lazauskas (Editor, Contently). During the evening, they shared insights, on how to produce the best native ad content. What was clear from the conversation is that everyone around the table wants the best work. This boils down to a few things, clear objectives, getting the right talent,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 20, 2015

How to Produce the Best Native Content, from Some of the Best in the Business

We recently hosted our second native ad talks, this time talking Content Production. Moderated by Lucia Moses, our panelists were Adam Aston (Editorial Director the NY Times T Brand Studio) and Joe Lazauskas (Editor, Contently). During the evening, they shared insights, on how to produce the best native ad content. What was clear from the conversation is that everyone around the table wants the best work. This boils down to a few things, clear objectives, getting the right talent, being a good client and giving it the time it needs. What follows is a synopsis of the discussion. In the end is a link to the video & audio, with time stamps to particular topics. How to be the dream client Adam talked about how the stars aligned for the creation of the Orange is the New Black piece, the key things for as he put it the dream are to: – Come to the table with clear goals for the content – Realize this is a quality game; give your team the time to gestate – Provide constructive feedback – Bring data and/or topic areas to the table, it helps – Be comfortable with the article mentioning competitors, it has to draw people in   The flipside of this too is publishers doing their part; both panelists spoke to this from their experience as Editors.   How publishers get the best work Involving brands in the content creation process does put a spanner in the works, so publishers have to reflect that. – Hire the best talent – Don’t just throw your team at the whim of the brand, maintain editorial standards – Be upfront around your code of ethics or conduct to establish how you produce native – Continual feedback with client, not just at the end – Develop understanding of different markets regulations for marketing messages – Develop processes for clearing data & image rights for advertising purposes, some industries are more regulated than others – Arm yourself with data to make recommendations   Watch the full video or audio to get the whole conversation, or review the timestamps for key parts of the conversation. If you’d like to attend future native ad events, follow @giveitanudge on Twitter.   Thanks to PowerLinks for sponsoring the talks.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMQ6ZwU6mEE <soundcloud embed> — You can jump ahead to particular topics, at these timestamps: 4:15 Quality is key 5:15 having your goals set in the beginning 5.55 How to hire for native 9:26 How to protect journalists 15:12 The dream client 16:12 Orange is the new black setting the standard 18:18 How quizzes actually help a brand articulate a message 20:00 Once produced… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 19, 2015

How do you separate out the value of the publisher and the value of the content?

When dealing with paid content, a big question is, what am I getting for my money? This often distills into two components 1) The value of the publishers audience. 2) The value of the content produced. Nudge measures native ad content day in/day out, so we are often having this conversation. We also see how different content performs on the same publisher and sometimes how the same content performs across different publishers. Here are some of the learnings. How to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 5, 2015

How to measure native content

Paid content has thrown a real spanner in the works. Brands were already skeptical of some of their display metrics, which is why viewability came about. Now imagine all those banners turning in to paid content, it opens up flood gates of questions. Your content which has been produced for a specific objective is out there in the wild. On sites you can’t always see to people who you don’t know, on analytics you can’t access. So, a few things… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 27, 2015