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Archive: Oct 2022

How to measure SAAS marketing sites

Each software as a service provider has their own marketing site, to help spread the word and engage with customers. This is the digital storefront for want of a better analogy. Typically marketers can place a piece of javascript, often referred to as a tracking code, on their marketing site, to see how customers engage with it. At that point, they can consider metrics like these: Attention, how long people are engaging for each click. Average… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

How to measure your intranet

Intranets in a way, are just like internal marketing, you want to reach your company and give them as much value as possible. So they can do what they need to do. Intranets often document processes, contain educational materials and provide updates on the business. When measuring your intranet, you can look at things like: Reach, how many people are using the intranet each month Devices, how are they accessing the intranet Geography, where… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

How can I provide content marketing metrics without Google Analytics

You can provide content marketing metrics without Google Analytics by using another content analytics platform. Simply sign up, install their code and collect metrics. Nudge is one such platform to provide this.   Why might you want to consider an alternative? When Google Analytics was created, content marketing was not as popular as it is today. So newer analytics platforms can help provide metrics that are more suitable. Nudge is a platform that was built for content campaigns… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

How to measure the effectiveness of influencer marketing campaign

To measure effectiveness, you need to establish what your objective is. And then you can see how your activity stacks up against the objective. Often people turn to influencers to cut through the noise and reach their audiences. As to what those audiences do next, helps you understand the effectiveness of the initiative. You might want to look at things like: Engagement, were the audiences responding on the influencers platform, through likes, comments, sentiment. Actions taken,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

What are the best content marketing analytics tools (that work with agencies)

???? Nudge. Nudge was built by folks who used to work at agencies. The system is very easy to use, so anyone can pick it up and use it. The automated insights help busy clients, so they can sort through the data to get from insight to action faster. Agencies use Nudge because it is easy to use, gives smart metrics which reflect how customers are engaging and automatically creates insights for them. So they can shift from insight to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

How to deal with gaps in analytics

A real world reality is that sometimes you have gaps in where you can track customer actions. For example, someone sees an ad on Facebook, you are limited to what Facebook gives you. Here are some ways of dealing with that. There are a few tricks to help deal with these gaps. Use UTM parameters on the destination page, to help see the engagement of people that come via that source. Use click trackers, if you have people going between… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

What analytics should I track

This is best answered by starting with, what are you trying to achieve? Anchoring in that makes it a lot easier. To get to that, answer a few questions:ย  What is your objective or strategy?ย  What will you create or do, to deliver on that strategy? What will consumers do, to tell you that you your strategy is successful?ย  It can be as simple as writing down each step that your customer will take. Typically this makes… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

What are the most important marketing analytics tools

The most important tools, are those that help you get to a real understanding of the customer faster. Nudge enables you to get customer insights with ease, diving straight into how customers are engaging, what theyโ€™re paying attention to, where theyโ€™re coming from, on what devices. And then it makes analysts jobs easier by synthesizing the data into insights, so you can get from insight to action faster.ย … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022

How to measure marketing effectiveness

Defining success is ground in your marketing strategy. What is it we are doing and why are we doing it. Then measuring effectiveness, gets a lot easier. Are we being effective at delivering on that strategy. You will want to make sure you have an analytics system installed, typically with a piece of javascript. That enables the platform to measure your activities. Of the marketing metrics, some that should help inform if your marketing is doing the work it should… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 7, 2022