Ben Young
Ben Young
August 10, 2018

One big thing
Amazon is on the front foot for consolidating their ad buying into one place. Mirroring Googles moves, this in a way, is a signal towards a more competitive marketplace. Usability, clicks to buy, insights and buying close together, all are things on the way.

Notable stories this week

  • [Must read, then read again] From Ted McConnell, what advertisers who represent $400b in ad spend want next.
  • Mozilla continues experiments with recommended stories. Comments on HN worth a read.
  • The future of integrated marketing, when influencer and branded content collide.
  • UpWorthy undergoes layoffs.
  • Social has gotten more difficult and other inside chat from the DigiDay Content Marketing event.
  • A good Q&A with Adam Singolda of Taboola.
  • Viacom is building a cross-portfolio studio production operation which is aiming to be a $1 billion global episodic content production business by 2020.
  • This interview with Flipkart Senior Director of Marketing is good – speaking to the challenges of branded content.
  • NBCUโ€™s latest video idea, paying users. Seems like the early days of the internet again.


Campaign of the week

Smartest commentary

  • [Twitter thread] NY Times faced decreased digital ad spend this quarter, from the variability of selling in โ€˜largerโ€™ deals. Read Rafat’s Twitter thread, he predicts layoffs later this year with bloated content studios.
  • ^^ This signals the need for diversified, i.e. direct and non-direct content sales.

Datapoints of note


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