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Tag: Amazon

Amazons growth in native advertising, content and video has been explosive. Keep on top of the latest news and insights as it pertains to its impact on the media, content and marketing industries.


Edition #279 Weird Earnings, 5/1

One big thing What the stock market got wrong this week. Alphabet, Google, Facebook and Twitter were all up after earnings after most analysts expected a bigger hit to revenue. Yet for most firms, the virus was only an impediment for a fraction of the quarter. Advertisers won't have cut straight away – behavior would be distributed through that timeframe. What should be in focus, is how they are addressing Q2. And that speaks to the uncertainty, see below. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 1, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 4/17

You did, you made it to Friday – well done. One big thing You want to be careful to not be caught in a false economy. On the one hand, you see podcast revenue is up, which is likely committed revenue which hasn’t yet been pulled back. On the other, you see the pipeline of new content is reducing. But eyeballs are at all-time highs. The London Business School put together a PDF on the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 17, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 11/15

One big thing The streaming wars have dominated stories this week – with the launch of Disney +. And what an incredible launch, 10m subs after 24 hours. The story I really paid attention to was the Cadbury Amazon Fire TV partnership. Cadbury curated a selection of BuzzFeed's Tasty recipe videos to show on Fire TV. It’s yet another blueprint for how brands are using content, as the traceable commodity between all media. My take… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 15, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 9/20

One big thing Plucky companies are taking on the big guys, with Nativo launching their self serve branded content tool and Polar with Washington Post launching Zeus Prime, enabling buying direct social display from publishers. Both efforts show the commitment but also collaboration to bring new solutions to market. Hats off to all. But the big guys aren’t slowing down either, with Amazon launching sponsored display as… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 20, 2019
Geoff Schiller Popsugar
Geoff Schiller Popsugar

This Week in Native Ads 8/2

We will be trying an experiment to engage more directly with the native and content communities. For August and September I’ll be holding “office hours” on Friday. Simply sign up for a 20 minute slot and we can have a conversation about trends, best practices, what we are seeing in the market and even do some trouble shooting for your brand and how it is communicating through content. Simply use the link below, pick a time, and we will get… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 2, 2019
NBCUniversal raking it in
NBCUniversal raking it in

This Week in Native Ads 7/26

I’m exploring the accounting treatment of content, that is if you treat it like an asset, how does or how would that change marketing’s P&L? Typically branded/native content is one off so treated as an expense. But if it’s re-used or has a longer timeframe of economic output does that mean it could be treated as an asset? Especially on the brands owned channels. Has anyone got first hand experience and/or analysis they’ve read? Would love to hear from readers. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 26, 2019
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos

This Week in Native Ads 5/10

One big thing The untold story in the duopoly discussion is how brands feed them data, from their owned channels. How does this happen? Via the Facebook pixel, or any Google pixel, on brands owned sites/content. Interest, retargeting, lookalike audiences are informed up and shared with other advertisers. Why is this important now? With Google Chrome’s changes this week to privacy controls (mimicking Apple) and the ecosystem shifting more towards privacy. These signals provide EVEN… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 10, 2019
google chrome
google chrome

This Week in Native Ads 4/12

There will be a little bit of a hiatus for two weeks as I travel down under. One big thing I admire the cheekiness and creativity of Juan, remixing vines on YouTube, to continue making money from the content. Permissions here are a problem. But for an enterprising mind, there are lots of ways to pursue your passion, on your own terms. Most of us in this newsletter are in the industry weeds but it is pretty neat that… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 12, 2019
What happened to Red Bull?
What happened to Red Bull?

This Week in Native Ads 3/1

The Ligatus acquisition might have snuck under your radar but this is notable consolidation in Europe. For American readers they are the TripleLift or ShareThrough of Europe (headcount of 180 vs 230) but they’d already been acquired by Bertelsmann the publishing/broadcasting group. This is much more common in Europe. The deal was for stock. So why would an already exited player onsell and for stock? Likely CPMs guarantees on deals were under pressure from ITP and fearing a more competitive… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 1, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/22

This week is a full on edition, so buckle in as it’s full of gems, from datapoints on Amazon, DrainerBot, to Apple acquiring a digital marketing firm. ? Notable stories this week This News Corp Australia story is interesting, the Outbrain vs Taboola showdown. Ultimately Taboola won this round. This is a battle which goes on every month. Hulu’s latest influencer marketing campaign should give you second thoughts about using one. Great… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2019