Ben Young
Ben Young
November 23, 2021

Edition #349
Why are marketers flocking to Web3? Hint: there are now more of us than before.

We have a one, maybe two content advisory slots available for the next quarter. If you’d like some help, do ping me.

Next week we’re partnering with the Content Writing Jobs newsletter, a great place to post jobs but also if you’re looking for a new gig.

One big thing

Why are marketers flocking to Web3? And tokens? It’s what we always do. We love innovation. New ways of trying to connect. And there are now more of us! If you look up content marketing as a role on LinkedIn last year, there were 5m content marketers, this year, 6.7m!

So we have a lot of new marketers, playing with the new shiny toys, telling everyone about it. When you think about it like that, it’s not surprising ha.

Notable stories this week


Campaign of the Week

Smartest commentary
  • “CONTENT DRIVES STREAMING.. it is honestly that simple — if you go all in, subs follow” –Rich Greenfield, Lightshed

Datapoints of note

That’s it for this week.

