Ben Young
Ben Young
July 27, 2018

One big thing
This week started with stellar Google earnings, the surprise was that GDPR didnโ€™t really effect it. But then Facebook followed and provided guidance on decelerating growth for Q3/Q4.

GDPR was always going to favor Google / Facebook, the whole genesis of it, incentivized those who had big sites and the ability for server side processing. All it did is shift the identification from cookies (something the user could control) to other means. Then – end users, are just clicking accept anyway. They have a choice but itโ€™s like banner blindness, we all just bat away the pop up – as we want to see the content.

Notable stories this week


  • Viacom in talks to buy AwesomenessTV. Chat is at half of their 2016 valuation.

Campaign of the week

Smartest commentary

Datapoints of note


Thanks for reading – till next week,


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