Ben Young
Ben Young
February 16, 2017

We see a native acquisition (with more in the works I hear), WaPo launches a new native unit – and BurdaForward releases insights on how native content drives attitudinal shifts.

Notable Stories this Week


Campaign of the Week

  • Huckberry on Jalopnik, as a Huckberry fan it caught my attention but also this is a simple straight forward ecommerce play. Hero relevant products to a niche, in this case fighter jet wallets for car fans.

Smartest Commentary

  • Not native specific but still relevant  “The traditional skills of an ad agency, strategic thinking and developing big, bold creative ideas, are becoming increasingly marginalised. However, as the world’s markets become more crowded and stand out harder to achieve, they are skills which are becoming more important than ever.” -Michael Moszynski, Founder and Chief Executive of London Advertising
  • Over half of digital marketing managers (53%) say that cookie-based advertising campaigns will die out within the next 12 months, according to a new report from Viant. Instead, digital marketers are embracing a people-based marketing approach.” -Hugh Williams, ExchangeWire

Datepoints of Note

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