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Tag: Content Marketing

View the latest data, insights, research and case studies from Nudge on content marketing. Use the Nudge platform to improve your content marketing.

How to create a content marketing strategy that works

Content marketing strategy is a marketing strategy that seeks to leverage content marketing to deliver on an organization’s marketing objectives. The plan of action, enables organizations to be more effective in their content marketing efforts and communicate areas that they want to change. Elements of a content strategy are: Objective, what it is you are trying to achieve. Audience or target market, who you are trying to impact. Insights or… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 13, 2023
content marketing tactics by nudge
content marketing tactics by nudge

Content Marketing Tactics

In this post, we cover some of the latest content marketing tactics, but also some of the tried and tested. Do check out our ROI of content, it may be that you are already doing the right things and just need to make some adjustments to your content strategy, or how you frame success. Do also read our article on the factors that drive content ROI.   What is the difference between a tactic and a… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 8, 2023

How to measure Branded Content success

Measuring the success of branded content is not as hard you may think. I like to try boil it down to three things. How many people did I reach What was the quality of that reach? What did they do next? Our approach at Nudge, is to help simplify your job, we help you identify the best content with content measurement, then get more eyeballs on that content through insights. It’s content measurement and analytics in a box. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 4, 2023
What's on your content marketing dashboard?
What's on your content marketing dashboard?

What’s on your Content Marketing Dashboard?

The best dashboard is the one you use so start simple. A good place to start, is with an out of the box dashboard, that gives you the top line metrics you need to see. Use that for a bit, then after a few months, customize it to suit. Or you figure out what exact metrics to focus on.  Going fancy or too technical too early in a content marketing program can limit options down the track. It’s better… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 23, 2023

Content Marketing Insights 2023

The latest in Content Marketing Insights, the state of content, research, data points & trends. This post is a comprehensive collection of data points and research around content, content marketing, branded content and native advertising. The stats covers performance, growth, trends for brands, content studios (publishers) and platforms. It is continuously updated, as we share new data in our weekly newsletter. If you were to sum it up, all the data reflects how consumers are responding to content and what… Continue reading

Jessica Toib
Jessica Toib
January 17, 2023

Presenting, an ode to content

Content is the heart and soul of how brands communicate, yet great content doesn’t create itself. We share an ode to content and what it takes to create it. It all starts with an idea. The story is told through real work from the archives. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 13, 2021

Can collaboration in content collapse already?

Collaboration in content is still hard, disjointed and not very scientific. An ideal scenario would balance the art and science of content, supporting the creative to nestle out the best work. Too much content is unseen, unconsumed and has the work gone to waste. Effective collaboration helps solve this. The problem is data-driven collaboration is missing from all processes. At the moment, data is largely not involved in the collaboration process. At best some data or insight is shared in… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 26, 2021

Does Google even need us?

What happens when Google doesn’t need you anymore? It’s still a ways away but it kind of is the trajectory. The same way Uber was considering a world without drivers, Google is moving towards a world without click out search results. SparkToro estimates that in 2021 2/3 of searches do not go further than the search results page. When you consider things like GPT3, an AI that can create copy to fulfill… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 26, 2021

NFTs and Content

I had just bought 1/1000th of a first edition Ian Fleming book, Goldfinger. Now what? Can I go read it? It turns out it is stored in a secure east coast facility, held on my and 999 others behalf by Rally Road. Rally Road launched in 2017 when three friends got together to find a way to democratize the ownership of collectibles. However, this isn’t an NFT but it’s a nice lead into it. You see, the book exists, the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 26, 2021
the economics of attention
the economics of attention

The economics of attention

This piece highlights the economics of attention across consumer media. This is curious for a few reasons, understanding what we as consumers get for free and what that’s worth, what consumers are willing to pay for content, the potential for up and coming media like TikTok, how scale and personalization impact the economics.We have broken it into two sections, different mediums and different platforms. And the dollar amount per hour the platform earns from our attention.  Revenue per hour (cents)Medium Cable67Linear… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2021