Ben Young
Ben Young
September 8, 2016

Good content is good content is good content, that’s the stream of conversation with this week. Mirroring last week – people don’t really care where content comes from as long as it’s good.


Campaign of the Week:

The Tech That Took Down A Titan

Source: Wired


Why we like it:

For the launch of Season 2 of Narcos, Netflix comes out strong with this Wired piece on the technology that helped take Pablo Escobar down. They really have a knack for this now, weaving interesting stories from the show that catch the attention of their publishers audiences.

Quote of the Week:

“$20M on TV gets you a lot of forced attention (& likely a lot of annoyed voters, not to mention the people who just skip) — but $20M on digital, particularly through native ads, gets you meaningful *earned* attention.”

-Dan Greenberg, founder and CEO of Sharethrough



Is Advertiser Funded Programming the next step in the evolution of Native Advertising?

TV and marketing is not a new partnership. Be it The Flintstones shilling cigarettes, detergent brands terming ‘soap operas’, or the more recent example of James Bond’s signature martini losing out to a bottle of Heineken, TV advertising is almost as old as the medium itself. But with traditional TV advertising losing its appeal, more brands are looking to Advertiser Funded Programming (AFP) – where brands control the content itself instead of merely funding it – as a viable alternative.

Source: Fourth Source


Content Recommendations Increase Conversions and Extend Content Shelf Life

In her article, “How Content Recommendation Creates Better User Experience,” Kaylee Baxter explained very clearly how content recommendations greatly improves user experience. I couldn’t agree more. Providing users a personalized content experience is equivalent to a librarian that knows your taste, and every time you visit the library, she is waiting for you with a reading selection assembled especially for you.

Source: B2C


Native Ads Get More Clicks in 2016

Branded content is getting more eyeballs online, according to a recent report conducted by native ad platform developer Polar that analyzed click-through rates and the average time users now spend looking at native ads. Overall, average click-through rates for native ad stood at 0.31 percent during the first half of 2016, an uptick from the .29 percent recorded during the same period last year, which accounts for an increase of about 13 million more total views.

Source: O’Dwyer’s

EMILY’s List’s Denise Feriozzi, Business Insider’s Max Tani & Sharethrough’s Dan Greenberg and Larry Otsuka on political organizations’ use of native ads

Let’s get to it. In the grand scheme of things, the $20 million investment that Emily’s List & Priorities USA are making in digital ads is notable, but it’s not huge in terms of overall spending on election ads. So why is this investment important?

Source: Sidewire


Announcing Native Conversion Tracking for Sponsored Content and Text Ads

When we speak with marketers who are advertising on LinkedIn, we often hear: “How can I get better insight into the impact of my campaigns, right down to the audiences that are driving the greatest value for my business?” If you have a similar question, then we have great news to share: You now have more ways to track the performance of your advertising on LinkedIn.

Source: LinkedIn


What makes branded content shareable on social media? [APAC case studies]

People on social media frequently share content, even branded content. Social sharing is great for marketers, but it’s difficult to know why some posts work and others do not. Here are a few examples of branded content in Asia-Pacific (APAC) which were shared widely and research which may explain why the posts were successful. Whether it’s a silly meme, breaking news, or a cooking video of a delicious recipe, people often feel compelled to Like, comment, and share social media posts.

Source: Econsultancy

