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Tag: content measurement

View the latest stories, insights and case studies on content measurement on the Nudge blog. Consider using Nudge to measure your content too.

how to measure influencer marketing ROI
how to measure influencer marketing ROI

How to measure Influencer Marketing ROI

To understand return on investment of an initiative, whether it is influencer marketing or any other, you need to anchor it against what you were trying to achieve. Then you can compare, what you got against that. Often media agencies and brands are seeking cut through, that is reaching the unique audiences and contexts that influencers have created.   Option 1: Contrast return against the alternatives To establish ROI, they want to compare against, what is the next best use… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How do you measure Content Marketing success

Defining success is ground in your content marketing strategy. What is it we are doing and why are we doing it. Then measuring success, gets a lot easier. You will want to make sure you have an analytics system installed, typically with a piece of javascript. That enables the platform to measure your content. Of the content marketing metrics, some that should help inform if your content is doing the work it should be is: Attention, how long… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
The Nudge Dashboard
The Nudge Dashboard

Nudge, a content marketing analytics & attribution dashboard

Nudge at its core is a marketing analytics platform to give you more visibility into what is performing. Because content has become the cornerstones or backbone of marketing today, that is where we have focused. And each year it continues to change. As we do too. As company or culture, we are very pragmatic, work within the constraints we as marketers have, to help deliver the best clarity. Then leverage technology to generate smarter insights. An example is our Insights… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 11, 2019
How to articulate the ROI of your content
How to articulate the ROI of your content

Content Marketing ROI

In this post we establish what your content ROI is, how to calculate it and explain it to others. What is Content ROI? What the return on investment of content boils down to is this: does it deliver the business outcome that you require? Pretty simple. How do you define those outcomes? That’s the more tricky part. But it typically comes down to a few buckets, awareness, interest, desire and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 1, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 8/23

One big thing I’ve been thinking about Barbell strategy this week. When people invest short term and long term. Or a big consumer media company partners with a tiny company. Or the mix between high and low risk assets. It seems in a digital world, the middle is being squeezed out. If it’s sizable, it becomes a portfolio item in a bigger company. Otherwise its small and niche. As it relates to readers, it seems… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 23, 2019

How emotional responses to advertising impact brand recall

I recently wrote a piece on how context in premium environments impact how we respond to content, where we learned that contextual advertising leads to increases in attention, which in turn, impacts brand recall (amongst other things). In this piece, I cover how advertising/branded content impacts long-term memory – more specifically, how emotional responses to advertising strengthens brand recall and recognition. To avoid confusion, it’s worth noting that I alternate between the terms ‘advertising’ and ‘branded content’,… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
August 8, 2019

Traffic Quality in 2019, a Deep Dive into Sharethrough’s Native Advertising Performance

  Download the full report here.   Before you read the full report, the key findings were: 1. Sharethrough is a higher quality source than Recommendation units by 10.5 percent, and Native by 37.6 percent. 2. Sharethrough’s native ads outperform traditional display ads by 61 percent. 3. When comparing the difference in quality between Sharethrough’s mobile traffic to the Global mobile traffic standard, the result is a staggering 83 percent. 4. Social Media is… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
July 10, 2019

How much should you spend on measurement?

This is a question that many marketers are ask themselves. In a world where technology spend is trending towards half of marketers budgets, it’s not surprising that clarity is needed. A key finding is that top performers invest as much as 5x more than their peers in measurement. McKinsey recently published new research findings, stating that organizations that deploy the most technology appear to be the most successful. At first glance, this might seem somewhat illogical (as… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 20, 2019
marketing metrics
marketing metrics

The measurement problem facing modern marketers

It is 2021, and measurement is more of a moving target than ever. The industry, platforms, and content are all in flux. Lets take a look at recent data points we’ve seen: – 87% of ad execs say they hold back spending on media and platforms due to poor measurement. – MediaPost – Half of the marketers in this survey discard at least half of their data. – eMarketer – Centralizing marketing data remains a top priority… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 4, 2019
logos of some of the world's biggest brands
logos of some of the world's biggest brands

How Branded Content Drives Business Outcomes

The tldr; content that is consumed, disclosed and has calls to action will drive business outcomes. Getting to content that is consumed, is the hard part. More on that below. Before we indulge in this post, there are a few provisos I need to give. These are, level setting, branded content can easily drive business outcomes when you have effective measurement in place. If you don’t have that – you can and will lose money very quickly. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 29, 2019