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Tag: content measurement

View the latest stories, insights and case studies on content measurement on the Nudge blog. Consider using Nudge to measure your content too.

Measure and increase your purchase intent with Nudge
Measure and increase your purchase intent with Nudge

Measuring Purchase Intent with Nudge

Rooted in the family tree of predictive analytics, you find purchase intent. In today’s digital world, purchase intent is now an actionable measurement. By identifying purchasing behavior and which steps of the buyer journey that drives real, tangible value, you’ve got the information you need to set some very clear targets to optimize against – in a highly quantifiable way. By measuring purchase intent, it enables you to have a wider conversation around how activities drive it… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
March 29, 2017

Netflix goes native: A whitepaper on Netflix’s Native Ad Investment in the New York Times & Wired

A recent article on DigiDay concluded that only 9% of marketers are very confident about their Native Ad metrics. Thus Netflix’s well documented recent investment in Wired and New York Times Native Ad products provides an opportune case study to bring these measurement challenges to life. This whitepaper is aimed to help brands evaluate their own native ad investments and learn more about native ad measurement. Using Nudge, we were able to get a picture of how each… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 7, 2014

Protein sees real time success with Nudge

Protein ran three pieces of paid content for Don Julio across three different publishers. By integrating Nudge they had access to a dashboard which gave them a consistent measure of performance across all three platforms in real time. No more waiting six weeks for reports. For the first time they had viewability on the earned impressions and virality of the content. They were able to clearly highlight which advertorial was the most effective from a media investment point of view at any… Continue reading

Mikaela Johansson
Mikaela Johansson
May 21, 2014

Content Analytics – The Old Fashioned Way

Content is something that is evidently growing and intertwining with marketing. So how and in what way was it used before everything went digital? When you talk about content analytics nowadays, everything is done through different measurement tools and Nudge is one of them. It’s evident that this has hardly been the case if you examine content analytics through a historical perspective. In 1931, Alfred R. Lindesmith developed something that became known as a “content analysis technique”, a methodology that… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 20, 2014