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Do we have your attention?

What makes Nudge different, is that we have weaved Attention as a metric throughout our platform. This small but powerful change, changes everything. Read on for more about our approach.


Why Attention

They don’t call it the attention economy for nothing. Every digital screen has competing & enticing experiences for audiences to click or tap away to. Competing for attention.

Consumers seamlessly shift between apps, devices and websites. If they get bored, back button and Google. Attention is lost as fast as air escapes a tyre.

Those that have the best experience win. Digital experiences are anything that engages with our customers, from apps, e-commerce stores, landing pages, microsite, websites, content, any mixture in-between. Whatever it is we produce that captures our customers attention.

Yet within this landscape, many are measuring the success of these experiences with outdated metrics. We believe there is a better way – and that way is bringing in consumer attention in to our analytics. If you engage and capture attention, you win.


What is Attention?

Attention is a metric that Nudge uses to measure the attention of consumers. It works by starting a timer once a user lands on a page, and like a stopwatch, measures second by second how long they engage on the page.

If they become inactive, that stop watch stops.

If they hit the back button, that stop watch stops.

If they swap tabs, that stop watch stops.

If they swap apps, that stop watch stops.

Then it is recorded and overlaid with the other data collected.


Benefits of Attention


Improve customer experiences based off their most valuable feedback – their attention.


Set attention goals, more people or more attention from existing people.


Find new ways to improve with more accurate data faster and off smaller audiences.


Improve CTR, cost per conversion and every other downstream metric.


How does Attention compare to other time metrics

Most other systems sample their time data, they only collect data on some users, those that stay longer, or only that click another link. This skews measures of time up. The problem is that sampled data is inferred for all users. Compounding costly mistakes.

For example:

Let’s say a user is on your page on their laptop and gets a SMS, so they pick up their phone and are distracted for 5 minutes. Many measures keep measuring their time on page. Nudge would detect inactivity and pause, till they resume.

Attention enables you to get far more precise insights off smaller audiences. Because you can see exactly what’s going on.


What is a good amount of attention?

We have seen 48 seconds to be the long run average of good content. That being, over a population of users, it’s around this level of average attention that content performs the best.

That doesn’t mean there can’t be shorter more engaging experiences, nor longer. But it provides a benchmark to work from. If your experiences are below this, maybe you need to adjust.


You are what you eat

Analytics is a measure of your work. Picking the right analytics, helps you and your teams focus on the right things. 2024 is a big year for analytics, it is low risk to try something new, consider Nudge.

We believe this is very important and that other measures like time on page, can lead users to make costly mistakes. Attention enables you to find where air is leaking from the system. We hope you join us.


Further reading:


Nudge cross references attention against other metrics

Nudge measures attention against each URL. So for each URL you can see attention by device, earned attention, attention from different traffic sources.

In Insights you can see, Attention by Day and Time of Week. To identify the pockets where Attention is the highest.

Compare the attention from all your URLs, find low attention pieces and improve them. Blueprint the high attention pieces. Analyze all your URLs and set a benchmark for attention. The analysis is always ongoing.

It works for each department too. You could benchmark attention earned by social, by SEO, by paid efforts, by internal distribution. You could even set an attention competition.

Now imagine each of your existing workflows but with attention at the core:

  • Pin the dashboard, as a tab, and visit each day to see how performance is going today.
  • To identify urls that need improvement, or see how your content is performing.
  • To get insights onto how customers are engaging.
  • To prove the ROI of efforts.
  • To predict the success of future projects, using older data.
  • To build benchmarks.
  • To help articulate to others how well your work is doing.
  • To justify current budget, or to help acquire more budget.
  • To upskill juniors on the team.
  • To optimize content distribution or PPC efforts.
  • To optimize social media clicks.
  • To set KPIS, or keep track of KPIs.
  • To see how work creates business results (conversions/leads/purchases).
  • To quantify the media value of a campaign.
  • For internal competitions.
  • To see how documentation performs.
  • To identify products which are resonating.
  • See how employees are engaging with intranets.
  • To measure branded content with partners.
  • To see how campaigns are performing.
  • To get transparency with influencers.
  • To validate and test content strategies or tactics.
  • To power internal scorecards.

These are used by agencies, analytics, marketers, product managers, strategists, sales folks, funnel optimization, digital experience.