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Tag: content measurement

View the latest stories, insights and case studies on content measurement on the Nudge blog. Consider using Nudge to measure your content too.

Guide to Content Marketing Metrics

Are are measuring the right content marketing metrics? Here are the most common content metrics. Compare these to what you are currently measuring to find areas of improvement. The most common metrics marketers are adopting for content marketing are:  Attention, seeing how much attention people pay to your content.  Avg Scroll, the average scroll on each piece of content. Engagement rate, seeing the rate at which people take specific engagement actions. … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 25, 2023
positive graph
positive graph

Guide to Content Measurement

Content measurement is the process of collecting data around content marketing initiatives.  Brands create content because it will help inform, educate or provide utility to potential customers. And if a brand can achieve that, customers will reward them, with brand awareness, loyalty, purchase intent or purchase. Measurement should reflect these objectives. Before proceeding further, if you do not know enough about content measurement, I recommend the following articles. What are the best free content measurement tools?   What is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 29, 2023
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure content effectiveness

This post dives into how to measure content effectiveness. There are discrete measures but often it can fall into areas of ‘it depends’. This helps to give the reader the tools to help answer the question – is this effective? Marketing effectiveness seeks to understand how well the work is producing the desired results. Before going further, these posts may be of help: Guide to Content Measurement Guide to Content Marketing Analytics Guide to Content Marketing & … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2023

How to measure Branded Content success

Measuring the success of branded content is not as hard you may think. I like to try boil it down to three things. How many people did I reach What was the quality of that reach? What did they do next? Our approach at Nudge, is to help simplify your job, we help you identify the best content with content measurement, then get more eyeballs on that content through insights. It’s content measurement and analytics in a box. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 4, 2023

The Art of Benchmarking

This is a skill marketers should adopt, continuously benchmarking. benchmarking is identifying older performance from competitors or your own, and then comparing current performance against it. This creates a tension around finding areas to improve and helps prioritize the changes to get there. The process to create your own benchmarks is simple. Go in to your analytics platform Select data for the last quarter Write down the average performance Now use this as your benchmark for all new pieces of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 22, 2021

Should you create new content or improve old?

The real question is what role can benchmarks play in measurement? It can provide the decision tree for creating new or improving old content. The art of benchmarking is a valuable skill. Once you know how you are performing contextualize performance in either industry or prior benchmarks. This helps dramatically and answers two simple questions, should I create new content, promote it more or simply improve my existing content? If under benchmarks, focus on improving existing content. If you’re… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 16, 2021
the best content analytics 2021
the best content analytics 2021

The Best Content Analytics Tools of 2022

I was having a virtual coffee the other day, jamming on different measurement tools being used when it comes to content. Content creation, content marketing, content optimization. With agile marketing teams, focused on getting the most from their resources, having the right tools can make all the difference. Many use a web analytics tool like Google Analytics, yet find that it lacks the fidelity to identify where content can improve and see the impact it has on the customer. What… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2021

A Better Alternative to Google Analytics for Content Marketing

Content marketers are seeking a better alternative to Universal Analytics (Google Analytics) or GA4.  In the early days of the internet, we visited homepages, clicked around, and left. We didn’t even have tabs, smartphones, or social sharing. It was in this context Google acquired Urchin to form Google Analytics. That was the old way. Now we live in a multi-tab, multi-device, multi-format world. Content is delivered to our customers seamlessly and on-demand. Users are blind to banner ads. To stand… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
May 26, 2020
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure content

Install content analytics that enables accurate data collection on your content. You want to establish how people are getting to your content, how many you are getting, what they do once they got there and is the content effective? This means measuring metrics like scroll, attention, traffic sources. And using a system like Nudge that takes the data and turns it into automated insights. Read more in our guide to content measurement. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020