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Tag: content dashboard

Guide to Content Marketing Metrics

Are are measuring the right content marketing metrics? Here are the most common content metrics. Compare these to what you are currently measuring to find areas of improvement. The most common metrics marketers are adopting for content marketing are:  Attention, seeing how much attention people pay to your content.  Avg Scroll, the average scroll on each piece of content. Engagement rate, seeing the rate at which people take specific engagement actions. … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 25, 2023
What's on your content marketing dashboard?
What's on your content marketing dashboard?

What’s on your Content Marketing Dashboard?

The best dashboard is the one you use so start simple. A good place to start, is with an out of the box dashboard, that gives you the top line metrics you need to see. Use that for a bit, then after a few months, customize it to suit. Or you figure out what exact metrics to focus on.  Going fancy or too technical too early in a content marketing program can limit options down the track. It’s better… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 23, 2023
2021 guide to content performance marketing
2021 guide to content performance marketing

The 2022 Guide to Content Performance Marketing

You’re not reading this post if you’re not trying to drive more performance from your content marketing. With all marketing teams thrust forward and into digital-first channels, performance is top of mind. As now it is even more important BUT also there is more competition. In the past, when we explored top performers, the consistent finding was that the top 25% invest more in data and insights than anyone else. Those that invest, find smarter ways to get ahead or… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 23, 2021
Reporting vs analytics, what's the difference?
Reporting vs analytics, what's the difference?

Reporting vs analytics, what’s the difference?

Reporting tells you what happened. Analytics gives context and depth as to why something has occurred. Let me give you an example. Reporting: Today, 100 people shopped at our store. That’s reporting. Analytics: Today, 100 people shopped at our store, 30 came from Stowe, 70 from York. Analytics finds patterns and analysis in the data, to enable better decision-making. If it doesn’t do that, it’s not analytics. It’s just more data. Analytics is helpful in describing or understanding how an… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 23, 2021

How to pick the right marketing analytics dashboard

The right marketing analytics dashboard is the one that provides the visibility to reflect the performance of your marketing activities. It enables the team to make adjustments and keep their eyes on the goals.    In searching for a solution, typically the process looks like this:  As marketers, we tend to google it, open a website with a list and open a bunch of tabs, look at each website. Then maybe explore a couple.  This helps canvas the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 23, 2021
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How do you measure Content Marketing success

Defining success is ground in your content marketing strategy. What is it we are doing and why are we doing it. Then measuring success, gets a lot easier. You will want to make sure you have an analytics system installed, typically with a piece of javascript. That enables the platform to measure your content. Of the content marketing metrics, some that should help inform if your content is doing the work it should be is: Attention, how long… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How to measure content performance

Use a specialist marketing analytics tool that enables you to measure the things you need to measure. Specialist tools like Nudge, take all the learnings from the whole market, synthesize them and help establish the best practices. What are the most important things to be tracking? These enable you to measure how the content is performing, what is working, what isn’t working. To install these, it typically involves signing up, giving permission to access your social channels and installing code… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
Nudge, Content marketing analytics for the world’s most valuable brands
Nudge, Content marketing analytics for the world’s most valuable brands

Why Nudge is the standard amongst content marketing analytics platforms

Nudge was the first in the industry to specialize in this particular use case: When content turns into advertising, it’s held to a higher standard. Agency Roots, Pinnacle to Nudge’s Success Nudge is a product born out of New Zealand agency Young & Shand. Unhappy with the content marketing measurement solutions available, they created what today is the standard in content marketing analytics for brands & publishers. Prior to the development of Nudge, the agency consistently ran into obstacles… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
March 23, 2018