Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
October 11, 2018

A Letter from Nudge CEO

Nudge has surpassed 3 Billion impressions this year.
This milestone crept up on us. The second half of 2017 we measured 650m impressions, and to have passed 3B (3.2b in fact) with 3 months left in 2018 is a remarkable milestone for our team and our partners.
It’s difficult to name names (you know how legal is) but here are a few highlights that I’d like to share.
A financial services brand, a new client, discovered on day three of launching with Nudge where they were under industry benchmarks and their competitors by 80%. A few minor adjustments to their distribution strategy, dramatically lifted their immediate performance.
A technology company uncovered that a video view on one platform was worth 50 on another! A simple reallocation helped them improve their ROI.
A major travel brand isolated the device and time of day combination that would help them achieve their KPI’s.. Early morning and evening were peaks in engagement but Attention Minutes in the evening were 40% higher.
This is not rocket science – but our product team has worked hard to, and continues to work hard to unify all content data and derive meaning from it. Providing our partners and clients with tangible things that they can do to drive more positive business outcomes.
In a world of whizz bangs and buzzwords I can’t even pronounce – we’re focused on helping you understand what you’re paying for and how to derive more value from it. That is transparency.
Our mission remains the same, when content turns in to advertising it should be held to a higher standard.
How you use us has changed, use cases include owned content, paid content, influencer content, social content, optimizing programmatic distribution, content attribution and even DSP integrations.
As we look to the remainder of 2018, we’re on the hunt for new partners, to join us. And to help them drive business outcomes from their investments in storytelling.
It’s simple really.
If there’s anything we can do to help, send me a note, the team is awaiting at your convenience.
In the meantime, scroll down and enjoy all the latest updates from Nudge!
– Ben

A Word From Izac Hancock, VP of Platforms & Partnerships at Nudge

Izac Hancock

This new role at Nudge is intended to help us growing our strategic relationships and adoption of the platform. With Izac heading this up, Nudge will be able to dedicate more time and energy into these relationships and accelerate the adoption of the Nudge platform.


Nudge’s Brand Survey Offering

We may have mentioned this before, we’re incredibly excited by the markets reaction to our newest solution. While the core of Nudge’s reporting is focused on understanding the more binary aspects of delivery, audience, and direct impact (conversion), a common question we are asked by Marketers and Publishers alike, has been around Brand Lift and Brand Impact. With that, we’re pleased to announce that we are working with Lucid to offer brand surveys, post content consumption to measure the broader and indirect impact of Branded and Content Marketing campaigns.

Update: Auto-Updated Benchmarks

Our Industry Benchmarks will now be auto-updated every quarter to ensure that our clients and partners can optimize their campaigns towards to the most relevant performance metrics. We pull data from all measured content campaigns, which is then broken out across each category (i.e. beauty, fashion, technology etc.). We drill much deeper than typical campaign metrics to give a robust picture of content performance across criteria such as: Scroll, Engagement, Attention minutes, Shares, Earned Impressions and Device types.
Nudge, Auto-updated benchmarks

Update: Requesting A Custom Report Has Never Been This Easy

We offer our clients the option to request custom data exports and reports. This is for those who need a full report, an export of data that’s not covered in our normal offerings or something completely custom to fit your specific needs. With our latest updates, this has become a lot more intuitive. The Request a Report button is located in the Nudge menu, which you find by clicking your logo in the top right corner of your dashboard. More on this here.
Nudge's request a report feature

Update: The Knowledge base is now available in the Nudge menu

Small, but important change to make your life easier. You can also access it here.


Nudge CEO, Interviewed on CheddarLive

Nudge CEO, Ben Young, talking content, transparency and value in a recent interview on CheddarLive. Take a look here.


Beauty Industry, Branded Content Report

For our most recent report on Branded Content we decided to look at the Beauty Industry to report back to you on the best channels, content formats, and distribution insights. Our industry benchmarks, will help you better understand and report on performance from wherever your travel leads you.
Content formats, benchmarks

Interview: Meredith Corporation’s Ben Kaplan on everything Branded Content

Ben Kaplan has worked across publishers, brands, as well as agencies, enabling them to achieve additional reach, engagement and data-driven insights. Ben currently leads all of Meredith Digital’s ad product marketing and strategy. In addition, Ben also oversees custom ad product design as well as native, video, social and influencer operations. Read the full interview with Ben here.
Quote by Ben Kaplan, The Foundry

AdWeek Opinion Piece by Nudge CEO: It’s Time for Marketers to Get a Fresh Perspective on What Native Advertising Can Be

Native_Advertising_Content (1)
With the rise in complexity of digital media, the words “native advertising” have become watered down. Marketers need to study up on what native advertising means and how they can implement it in their strategy. Read Ben Young’s full opinion piece on AdWeek, here.


Work at Nudge

We’re always looking to collaborate and build with great people. If you have a special talent and would like to join our team, reach out and let us know what it is!
That’s it from us!
Make sure you connect with us on Facebook and Twitter, to hear the latest and greatest of what we’re doing, and seeing across the Branded Content + Native Advertising communities. Of course, if you’re thinking of getting started with Nudge, check out our quick guide for getting started, or just shoot us an email to [email protected]
Until next time!
Gustaf (and the team at Nudge)

