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Tag: benchmarks

Benchmarks help marketers contextualize their performance. The Nudge blog features benchmarks for native advertising, content distribution and branded content. Use these benchmarks or build your own to fine tune performance with Nudge.

The Art of Benchmarking

This is a skill marketers should adopt, continuously benchmarking. benchmarking is identifying older performance from competitors or your own, and then comparing current performance against it. This creates a tension around finding areas to improve and helps prioritize the changes to get there. The process to create your own benchmarks is simple. Go in to your analytics platform Select data for the last quarter Write down the average performance Now use this as your benchmark for all new pieces of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 22, 2021
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How to measure content performance

Use a specialist marketing analytics tool that enables you to measure the things you need to measure. Specialist tools like Nudge, take all the learnings from the whole market, synthesize them and help establish the best practices. What are the most important things to be tracking? These enable you to measure how the content is performing, what is working, what isn’t working. To install these, it typically involves signing up, giving permission to access your social channels and installing code… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing metrics
marketing metrics

The measurement problem facing modern marketers

It is 2021, and measurement is more of a moving target than ever. The industry, platforms, and content are all in flux. Lets take a look at recent data points we’ve seen: – 87% of ad execs say they hold back spending on media and platforms due to poor measurement. – MediaPost – Half of the marketers in this survey discard at least half of their data. – eMarketer – Centralizing marketing data remains a top priority… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 4, 2019
logos of some of the world's biggest brands
logos of some of the world's biggest brands

How Branded Content Drives Business Outcomes

The tldr; content that is consumed, disclosed and has calls to action will drive business outcomes. Getting to content that is consumed, is the hard part. More on that below. Before we indulge in this post, there are a few provisos I need to give. These are, level setting, branded content can easily drive business outcomes when you have effective measurement in place. If you don’t have that – you can and will lose money very quickly. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 29, 2019

Killing Wasted Spend: how to staunch the bleeding of digital dollars and reignite growth

  Imagine, for a moment, an industry outside of digital advertising where waste was as commonplace.   You turn on CNBC in the morning to watch in horror that the aluminum market managed to misplace 7 billion dollars worth of the commodity. Vanished without a trace. Or that 800 million bushels of soybeans disappeared overnight.   The Association for National Advertisers reports that only a quarter of all digital ads reach real people, and the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 16, 2018
Nudge surpasses 3.2b impressions in 2018
Nudge surpasses 3.2b impressions in 2018

Nudge Surpasses 3.2B Impressions

A Letter from Nudge CEO   Nudge has surpassed 3 Billion impressions this year.   This milestone crept up on us. The second half of 2017 we measured 650m impressions, and to have passed 3B (3.2b in fact) with 3 months left in 2018 is a remarkable milestone for our team and our partners.   It’s difficult to name names (you know how legal is) but here are a few highlights that I’d like to… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
October 11, 2018
branded content measurement
branded content measurement

This Week in Native Ads 7/12

I was fortunate enough to catch the tail end of the ARF NATIVExSCIENCE event on Thursday, thanks for hosting me. The trend that I picked up on is that branded content, entertainment are the slipstream from traditional tv through to digital. It’s the natural path that advertisers can take. The traditional players of tv are coming in to the space and delivering high value quality executions. And the summer of acquisitions continues… Notable stories this week The Players’ Tribune on… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 13, 2018
Nudge product update
Nudge product update

Nudge Product Update 5/9

  Each month we share the latest native content, new product features, upcoming events and more.   Never miss another product update; sign up to the newsletter here.   Nudge Update, May 2018     New Feature: Distribution Insights   Nudge now has advanced distribution insights, allowing you to optimize your paid distribution by scroll, bounce and attention. Use our tags to split traffic out by Publisher, Placement & Creative. View implementation here. Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
May 9, 2018

Introducing Nudge 3.0

  Introducing the next exciting phase of Nudge with its newly built AI intelligence layer, features, updates, and Nudge Spectrum.   Get in touch with your account manager today, to talk about the latest features.   Content prediction ‘Predict how well your content will do before it goes live’   Through Nudge’s latest artificial intelligence layer, the platform now has the ability to determine key metrics associated with a campaign before it goes live,… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
September 27, 2017