Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
May 9, 2018

Each month we share the latest native content, new product features, upcoming events and more.
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Nudge Update, May 2018



New Feature: Distribution Insights

Nudge now has advanced distribution insights, allowing you to optimize your paid distribution by scroll, bounce and attention. Use our tags to split traffic out by Publisher, Placement & Creative. View implementation here.
Screenshot of the distribution insights

Benchmarks: New Content Category

In our step towards breaking out content types for benchmarks, we’ve added “Long form” as a category. It’s a small change, but it matters in helping you see the most relevant benchmarks to your campaign. Set-up is simple too; when adding a new URL to your campaign, just choose the type of content you’ll be measuring. Watch this space for more exciting updates!
screenshot of the types of content

The Central Hub for Data Privacy, Policy, Terminology and Methodology is Now Up.

We receive many questions about our data and definitions of our metrics; our new Terminology page is designed to answer them. From GDPR, to calculating Attention, you can now go deep and share this info with clients and colleagues.
Nudge terminology page

Active Count now Includes Video

As we continue to roll out enhancements to our video + social measurement, and integrate cross-platform data into your campaign overview, simply showing you how many active pieces of content you have across all aspects of your campaign, is a first step toward unifying all of your content data.
screenshot of the dashboard, showing the active count of content

Pro Tip: Navigating to Edit Campaigns

By double clicking the cog button inside of your campaign, you can now open the campaign settings in a new tab. We love making simple changes like this, in order to make your lives easier. Let us know if there are any other changes you’d like to see inside the dashboard.
Gif showing how to Navigate to Edit Campaigns
The Latest Content

From our CEO: How to Squeeze More Juice from the Lemon

In this post, we look into maximizing every dollar of your content investments. Read on for tactics informed by Nudge data and supplemented by my own observations on how marketers can extract more value from the campaigns they’ve invested in. Read more…

On Earth Day, Consumers Spend 89% Longer on Articles

Earth Day is the world’s largest environmental movement and brands have been showing their support over the past few years. We share our favorite branded campaigns with an environmental focus, We also share insights on the best performing content formats, which distribution channels to back, and the most impactful time of day for distribution (split by devices) for Earth Day. Read more…

Familiarize yourself with Nudge

If you’d like to refamiliarize yourself with Nudge, here’s our capabilities, implementation docs, collateral and feel free to request a demo account to play with.

Nudge: Q1 Traffic Quality Briefing

Gustaf Stenlund will be sharing the latest results from Nudge’s Traffic Quality study on May 17th, 11am EST. Add it to your calendar.

Nudge Content Dinner

We hosted our last Content Dinner here in New York. The next is coming up May 31st, let us know if you’d like to join.
Nudge Content Dinner
That’s it from us!
Make sure you connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin, to hear the latest and greatest of what we’re doing, and seeing across the Branded Content + Native Advertising communities. Of course, if you’re thinking of getting started with Nudge, check out our quick guide for getting started, or just shoot us an email to [email protected]
Until next time!
Gustaf (and the team at Nudge)
