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Category: How To

How to guides for content marketing.

An article on how to make a content calendar
An article on how to make a content calendar

How to make a content calendar

So you’ve nailed your content strategy and now you’re ready to implement it. You’ve got tons of creative ideas about how to reach your audience and boost your ROI. But you need some structure, a central place to hold all of the nitty-gritty details and a way to clearly visualize what is happening when. This is where a content calendar comes in handy. Essentially a content calendar is a tool to help you organize and plan all of… Continue reading

Sarah Plant
Sarah Plant
May 10, 2021
how to measure
how to measure

How to track marketing metrics

Marketing metrics are tracked and measured by your marketing analytics software. To track the metrics, you need to install the code provided by your marketing analytics partner. Some metrics may need additional configuration, for example tracking conversions, or engagement rates. Which may need defining with additional o’clock actions. Once you have installed the code, you will need to QA it to make sure it is tracking correctly. Then after a few hours, you should be able to log in and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to evaluate a digital marketing campaign

Get a report created on your campaign, and go and evaluate it. Sounds easy huh. You’re probably reading this because you had a report of some sort and you’re trying to re-figure out, what should I do here. What is important. So let’s go back to basics 1) Why did you do this campaign? 2) What were the objectives? 3) How did you deliver on those objectives? 4) How did you measure the delivery of those objectives? 5) What did… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure a digital marketing campaign

Get a dashboard together, that pulls in all of your data. Executing a campaign today often means having content and advertising in multiple places at once. So find a dashboard solution that combines all the data in one place. Or as few places as possible. So that you can better analyze it. Then use the right tool for the job, who is going to measure this, to give me the insight, to make decisions, that impact our business objectives. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure content

Install content analytics that enables accurate data collection on your content. You want to establish how people are getting to your content, how many you are getting, what they do once they got there and is the content effective? This means measuring metrics like scroll, attention, traffic sources. And using a system like Nudge that takes the data and turns it into automated insights. Read more in our guide to content measurement. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure earned media

This one is harder, how can you measure earning media and its impact? There are a suite of tools available for measuring press mentions. Because of the separation of church and state, that is the division between commercial arms and journalist arms in publishers. The data has to be from third parties or inferred using other signals. Often the number of social shares is a signal, to go if this media coverage was effective it should have generated some shares. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing effectiveness
measuring marketing effectiveness

How to Measure Digital Marketing Effectiveness

Using a third-party specialist marketing analytics tool will enable you to measure your effectiveness. In particular, when marketers reference effectiveness, understanding benchmarks is helpful. Where am I sitting as an organization against my competitors? Because yes, you need to be effective in driving results but are we doing better than our competitors (or not). This is useful nuance and context. Because hey, who doesn’t want to beat their competitors? Technically you are going to need a few things… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing effectiveness
measuring marketing effectiveness

How to measure email marketing effectiveness

Email marketing is a smart way to continually drive engagement from people who already know (and hopefully) trust you. So understanding effectiveness is looking at – how many people opened the email, how many clicked through, how many unsubscribed, how many new people signed up, how many people shared the newsletter. Often email marketing platforms will help by providing benchmarks. Which is a useful starting point, are people opening my newsletter as much as my peers. Then, of course,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to analyze an ad

Load up all the data you have on an ad. How many people saw it, what was the click-through rate, what was the view ability or attention on it? Then compare that against your average or your benchmark. Is that good, is that bad? Did the ad drive conversions? More than you expected or less? Answering these questions will help understand whether it is working or not. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How do you measure Content Marketing success

Defining success is ground in your content marketing strategy. What is it we are doing and why are we doing it. Then measuring success, gets a lot easier. You will want to make sure you have an analytics system installed, typically with a piece of javascript. That enables the platform to measure your content. Of the content marketing metrics, some that should help inform if your content is doing the work it should be is: Attention, how long… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020