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Tag: the atlantic

making the case for content in uncertain times
making the case for content in uncertain times

This Week in Native Ads 4/3

Recapping an internal note we sent to clients this week. We’ve put up a page covering Covid-19 and impact on marketing, media and content. We’re updating it daily. We continue to offer Nudge to the community, COVID causes and insights sessions. One big thing This tweet stream from Alex Russell caught my eye – on mobile CPUs and the performance inequality gap. The outtake is that the cheapest high… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 3, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 1/17

One big thing The story this week was Google committing to a roadmap to remove third-party cookies within 2 years. This has been an internal battle for them, Google Adsense vs DoubleClick vs Chrome. Google Adsense is the traditional advertising teams’ at Google, DoubleClick is the more brand solutions and Chrome – obviously their browser. The ads teams want/need the third party cookies but Chrome doesn’t want to lose market share by not keeping up… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
Content reworking
Content reworking

This Week in Native Ads 12/13

One big thing Enjoyed Ciaran O’Kanes 20 things for 2020, in particular, his comments on ITP. You may recall ITP is Apple’s tracking protection technology which has significantly impacted mobile ad revenue. “Safari has neutered the third-party cookie. Firefox has firebombed it. And Chrome is likely to gut it by year-end; 2020.” His view is that this is the biggest opportunity, to better monetize based on ITP. And I like that, I like the spirit… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 13, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 9/13

One big thing This week we saw fresh investment in Group Nine and Atlas Obscura, both showing promise that strategic partners see in the space. The common thread between the two companies is a good mix of uncorrelated revenue. Atlas Obscura has branded content, the Airbnb investment will rapidly grow ‘affiliate-like’ revenue and book deals. Group Nine has tv/content deals with The Dodo, Facebook revenue with NowThis and then affiliate with Thrillist. As well as its first book deal with… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 13, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 8/23

One big thing I’ve been thinking about Barbell strategy this week. When people invest short term and long term. Or a big consumer media company partners with a tiny company. Or the mix between high and low risk assets. It seems in a digital world, the middle is being squeezed out. If it’s sizable, it becomes a portfolio item in a bigger company. Otherwise its small and niche. As it relates to readers, it seems… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 23, 2019
What happened to Red Bull?
What happened to Red Bull?

This Week in Native Ads 3/1

The Ligatus acquisition might have snuck under your radar but this is notable consolidation in Europe. For American readers they are the TripleLift or ShareThrough of Europe (headcount of 180 vs 230) but they’d already been acquired by Bertelsmann the publishing/broadcasting group. This is much more common in Europe. The deal was for stock. So why would an already exited player onsell and for stock? Likely CPMs guarantees on deals were under pressure from ITP and fearing a more competitive… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 1, 2019
Netflix, an ad supported platform
Netflix, an ad supported platform

This Week in Native Ads 8/24

Our 200th Edition! ? Thanks ? to all subscribers – it’s a nice milestone. I pulled together some thoughts on the lessons learned, the highs, the lows, how our business has changed and my take on where the industry will be in another 200 editions. Please, if you enjoy do give it a share. Thanks in advance. Read it here. One big thing Ad supported Netflix is just around the corner – I’ve… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 24, 2018
The Atlantic
The Atlantic

Native Can Convert, Here’s How

A guide to native content success in partnership with The Atlantic.     Introduction   Native content is an emerging industry. With many brands leaving the experimentation phase and looking to scale their initiatives there is a greater emphasis on demonstrating success.   Nudge works with partners to delivery transparency and efficiency in content advertising, banners were a simpler paradigm for advertisers and content has introduced new challenges.   Read… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
May 11, 2018