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Tag: influencer content

Influencer content is a rapidly growing tactic in the marketers arsenal. Read the latest examples, research, data and insight over on the Nudge blog. Stay on top of trends by subscribing to the Nudge newsletter.

guide to influencer content marketing
guide to influencer content marketing

Guide to Influencer Content Marketing

Influencer content marketing is partnering with content creators who have their own audience to create content that helps to deliver on your marketing objectives. Influencer marketing is analogous to celebrity endorsements, which pre-internet was a way to capture the loyalty and share of voice of celebrities that aligned with your brand. This analogy also speaks to the challenges, finding the right influencers to work with, how you engage with them but also the ongoing risks that influencer may pose down… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
December 5, 2022

Edition #281 Brands inevitable DTC future

One big thing Even PlayStation is going direct to consumer with the launch of Playstation studios, ahead of the PS5 launch. “Sony has developed a new umbrella brand to unite its first-party PlayStation titles. The PlayStation Studios brand will go live in PlayStation 4 and 5 games later this year, and will only be featured on games developed and managed by Sony Interactive Entertainment's Worldwide Studios organization.” It’s not that they will now produce games… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 15, 2020

Edition #280 Brand Balance Sheets, 5/8

One big thing As we transition to the new normal, those brands that are spending, are starting to invest in marketing assets. Assets like app installs, newsletter subscribers, upper-funnel audience, training, webinar attendance. “The roughly $40 billion app-install market was “likely the most material contributor this quarter” to social media ad spend, according to Morgan Stanley analysts.” And why not, with attention up and cost per clicks down, it's a perfect storm. By my calculations,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 8, 2020
influencer are setting up their own paywalls
influencer are setting up their own paywalls

This Week in Native Ads 2/28

One big thing Thoroughly enjoyed the content/campaigns this week from Patagonia and The Trade Desk. Brilliant. We saw this paired with Comcast acquiring Xumo. The extension, or working harder of branded content, through to OTT is a no brainer – especially when the quality of production means it is a realistic opportunity. Notable stories this week Influencers are starting to add paywalls, or going their close friends list for a fee. WSJ is launching a… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 28, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 11/8

Pleased to announce the youngest young joined the family last week, thanks for the notes. We’re back to normal albeit with less sleep. ? This week is jam-packed, so save a few links, keep an eye on commentary from Darren Herman and datapoints of note. Oh and LinkedIn launched a newsletter tool? One big thing The piece that I dug the most this week is the Spotify tapping Viacom for content marketing on DigiDay. And for a number of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 8, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 8/9

One big thing London folks, please do come along to our event later this month. As a kiwi in New York the biggest change between how content is seen here vs internationally, is the practicality. In other markets people are a lot more practical, I do this to get X or Y. Here the value chains are bigger. So they’re trying to help move the needle on that component. It’s good and bad. For emerging… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 9, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 7/19

One big thing Subscription is not all that it seems for Tim Ferriss. The popular podcast host (400m+ downloads) last week announced a six month trial of no ads and shifting to a subscription model. Citing that the effort to filter and sign on advertisers was high and that it could be swapped to investing more in the content. A brief week later he changed tacts, his fans said they actually like the ads because… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
July 19, 2019
Context in premium environments
Context in premium environments

Why context in premium environments dominate how we respond to content

Working at Nudge, I get to look behind the advertising industry’s ‘curtain’ on a daily basis. Marketers who know me often ask ‘what’s the one thing I should do more of?’. I always tell them the same thing – focus on improving the quality of your content campaigns. Now, not wanting to risk losing your interest this early into the article (due to what can be seen as an obfuscating statement), what I mean by quality is:  … Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 6, 2019
People vs Attention
People vs Attention

Nudge Analyzed 9 Million Paid Clicks to Branded Content, Here’s What we Found

  We analyzed 9 million paid clicks to branded content to pick out the highest quality distribution channels during Q1, 2018.   Knowing this, marketers can shape their distribution strategies and pinpoint where they should focus spend, in order to increase the attention from their audiences, i.e. get more bang for your buck.   If you’re interested in attaining the slides for this piece of research, you can find them here. Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
July 5, 2018
Influencer marketing and branded content
Influencer marketing and branded content

Native Tactics #3 Influencers Drive High Quality Traffic

  Native tactics are simple ways to grow the value and scale of your native content campaigns.   In this blog series, we’ll be featuring tactics that you may or may not currently have in your arsenal, but most definitely should.   Over time, this blog series will feature a bunch of great tactics that you and your team should be utilizing – find them here… #3 Use influencers to drive high quality traffic… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
September 14, 2017