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Category: Analytics

All of our analytics content, including glossary, how to.

What is product analytics and why do you need it

The act of measuring and tracking how users engage with a product is analytics. Technically speaking, the act of measuring isn’t analytics, it becomes analytics once it has analysis on the raw data. But people most often refer to both as analytics. You need product analytics to help understand the performance of the product. To then identify areas to improve, and prioritize where additional resources go to improve the product. Without analytics these decisions would be very challenging and fraught… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How do you use Nudge for product analytics

Nudge offers an epic baseline of metrics and analysis out of the box. Simply install the javascript on your app and see what the baseline delivers. You’ll get an idea of the amount of: Customers logging in What URLs they’ve visiting Where they’re coming from Times of day and day of week when peak engagement happens What devices they use What areas of the product are the most engaging for users How frequently they’re logging in What the path to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How do I optimize my conversion rate?

A great place to start, is understanding, is my conversion rate good or not. You want to see that, as if it is already at an acceptable level of performance, you do not want to waste resources or try fix something that’s not broken. If you’ve jumped that hurdle and it does need improving, there are a number of different areas you can be attentive to. The first is to make sure you have a good analytics system in place,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How can I improve my analytics skills?

There are adjacent skills that help improve analytics capability dramatically. And these are not necessarily technical but do inform better analysis and action taken from analysis. Developing the skill to explain results to non-technical folks, or in lame man terms. Linking results to business outputs, and highlighting the dials, that will make that meaningful. Doing predictions on upcoming initiatives, based off prior data. Building models, of expected results, against a budget Linking analytics through to strategic objectives and what is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

What things should product managers measure?

At any point in time, there are one or two key objectives that a product is focused on. Ideally there should be measurement of these changes, either lifting a baseline metric, or trying to stimulate new behavior.  So measuring these are key: How many users are doing it What percentage change in the baseline Any economic output from these (i.e. we believe this will increase X revenue) Useful measures to consider: Monthly and daily logins Active time in product… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How does storytelling marketing drive results?

A good story, imparts knowledge whilst entertaining. We all know it, you remember a good story, which imparts lessons and advice. Which is the approach of storytelling marketing, to find stories that capture the attention of customers, and teach them something new. Why it works, is that it is more sticky, memorable and more accessible. Not everyone all the time, want to sign to sign up to just hear facts, but we’ll listen or read a good story. But telling… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How do I improve my organic content?

Organic content is low hanging fruit, it already drives value for you, why not extend that a bit. Improving organic content is fairly straightforward, if you have the right analytics. You want to complete a bit of an audit, looking at what’s your top performing, lowest performing. Then looking at the different traffic sources, where customers come from, time of day, what devices. Long story short, it takes some diving into the data to see where the opportunities are. Some… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How do I secure more marketing budget?

A great place to start, is by demonstrating, what can be done with additional budget. Showing what sort of opportunities it can open up. But also then making a prediction on what sort of results that it will get for the business. Capital is always constrained, and you have to fight to secure that capital, the more compelling the argument, the more it makes sense for additional investment. You kind of have to put yourself in the companies shoes, should… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How do I justify my marketing budget?

A great place to start, is to spend time, articulating to the non marketers, what marketing is doing. And how it drives results. Keeping conversations and presentations, simple and with the customer at their core. Here is how we help the customer, into engaging with and ultimately doing business with us. You need to establish that as a baseline. Then spend time on articulating the ROI of marketing. Where and how it is driving return, and do we… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

How do I onboard new marketing hires?

Setting an onboarding coffee schedule, is a great way of onboarding new hires, when you’re rapidly growing, or don’t yet have a process. How it works is, each new hire, has to each week, schedule a coffee (real or virtual) with a team member, specified, and have a chat. Usually you can set a topic, for them to cover off, then they can just have a social catch up as well. Their choice. But what this does, is in the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022