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Category: Analytics

All of our analytics content, including glossary, how to.

How to measure original content

Many marketers are looking to original content to deliver on their objectives. In terms of measuring original content, marketers should start with, what is our business objective, what are we trying to achieve with original content? You may reference SalesForce+, their tv/streaming project. Their objective, could have been, how do we engage business leaders, when they’re not in the CRM. So their objective is to use smart content to engage their current and potential customers. This then, makes the measurement… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How marketers can reduce complexity in analytics & measurement

Ever been to a yard sale? With all the knick knacks people have collected over the years. Old basketball cards, that well used couch oh and the lamp that is no longer in fashion. Every brands analytics set up is like this. Old conversions that no longer work, that one platform that was tried for two days and never turned off. Duplicate tags firing from the tag manager, the template and maybe an old plugin. In short, measurement set ups… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How analytics can drive growth of customer base

Growing your customer base, is every companies key objective. How can we add more customers, where can we find them, how can we deliver a good experience to them. And analytics is the key to unlocking growth in your customer base. It helps identify early pockets of new customers, that you can then go and grow. It then plays as a feedback loop on how those customers are engaging with your sales and marketing efforts.  Nudge enables you to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to show the impact of marketing spending on intermediate KPIS

Proxy measures, or intermediate KPIS are used in more complex purchasing cycles, to help demonstrate that a part of the marketing mix is delivering on shifting customers through the customer journey. They help address gaps in the purchasing cycle, or help address business objectives. i.e. maybe you need to help drive sales through a retail partner and are unable to fully measure purchasing through them. So you measure, how many people click out, or visit a product page. This is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to build a financial case for marketing spend on existing data

Existing data is an intelligence asset for marketers. It houses, your past results and learnings from engaging with customers. It really is a great asset to have, and one that can always be utilized better.  When building a financial case, past analytics data, helps you to see how past spend went. If you haven’t really done this before, it can be useful to backtrack on a couple of initiatives. And outline; What you did.  What you spent. … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

What is analytics role in scenario planning for marketing?

Scenario planning is a valuable management exercise to help plan for circumstances in an unknown future. It helps to ground all the unknown into multiple scenarios, which should ideally cover off most of which brands will land in. It’s a great process for turning the unknown into the known, then working through that. And then when circumstances arise, to better arm teams on how they can handle it. Analytics plays an important role, it can provide an idea, of what… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to create a business case for marketing

A great place to start is, what are we trying to achieve? And what do we need to do to get there? Keeping in mind measurement & analytics to help show the progress. If you can present your business case, with a prediction on how well it will perform, using historical or other data, this will greatly support the business case. It is often best to present some ranges, going, we believe this will deliver between X and Y. With… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

First Party Analytics

The term refers to analytics that uses first party cookies. These cookies are tied to your domain, so they can’t be used elsewhere. The reason this is valuable, as only you can activate and use them. Whereas with a third party cookie, that third party could activate the cookie elsewhere. This was useful in other ways, for example, Google setting a cookie, then being able to serve ads to those folks.  First party analytics is more respectful to your… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

How to reduce advertising waste

To start with, you need to identify where waste is happening. And that is not always clearcut. Waste for each business can be subjective, as media that isn’t driving your objectives is a waste. Where on the surface it may look good or pass muster for other brands. So, Define your advertising objective. Create a scorecard, to see if advertising is meeting that. Remove or optimize any media that isn’t hitting objectives. Another way to put this, is you are… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022

What does direct traffic mean?

You may have seen ‘Direct’ traffic in your web analytics and are wondering what that means. How can traffic be direct? Direct traffic originally meant, that someone had typed the URL into their browser. Thus visiting the page ‘directly’. This would also be the same for if someone bookmarked a URL.   However, often direct traffic means that your analytics system has been unable to detect the source of the traffic. So it is classified as direct traffic.  … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 21, 2022