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Archive: Feb 2017

Request a native ad report from Nudge
Request a native ad report from Nudge

Request a Customized Native Ad Report

  Within the Nudge dashboard clients can now access customized reporting.   For the last 3 years clients have been coming to us directly to request custom reports. For example they want to know insights to optimize the campaign, in-depth end of campaign reports, category insights and custom data requests such a data split by geo region.   To help clients we’ve now automated this, so that within the Nudge dashboard you can… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 24, 2017
Nudge works with DoubleClick
Nudge works with DoubleClick

Nudge works with DoubleClick

  DoubleClick is used by the vast majority of leading advertisers, agencies and publishers, and some of the things we keep hearing in the market are:   a. As an agency or advertiser we’re already supplying everything through DCM and would like our content analytics to be wrapped up in this. b. Some publishers aren’t able to install the code directly on the page but we can install via DCM.   Follow this… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 24, 2017

This Week in Native Ads 2/24

This week I got out of the big smoke and headed to Chicago & Boston to talk native with existing and soon-to-be clients. It’s the best part of my job — sitting down, helping people adopt native. The common thread is what I touched on last week, there’s a bunch of brands still sitting on the fences, as they need some help getting started with native. So whilst early adopters are getting slick, the bulk of the adoption curve need… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 23, 2017

This Week in Native Ads 2/17

We see a native acquisition (with more in the works I hear), WaPo launches a new native unit – and BurdaForward releases insights on how native content drives attitudinal shifts. Notable Stories this Week NY Times looks to programmatic ad sales in international markets. Related, the Director of Programmatic from NY Times, Sara Badler, will be speaking at the native ad talks next week. RSVP here. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 16, 2017
Content distribution made efficient with data
Content distribution made efficient with data

Build The Perfect Content Distribution Strategy with Post-Click Metrics

  As a marketer, you are used to spending your time slaving away on your laptop, liaising with creative agencies, going back and forth to the graphics team to nail that particular infographic – sadly, no matter how great your content is, it simply won’t make any difference if your distribution strategy isn’t on point.   A growing numbers of advertisers and publishers that we talk to feel like they have tapped out in terms… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 15, 2017

This Week in Native Ads 2/10

It’s a cold and blustery day in NY as I write this week’s Week in Native! A strong thread of conversation as we kick off 2017 is — who is gonna win native? As the industry hits an inflection point, in a winner-takes-the-majority kind of market, who is going to do that? The brands that won early on won’t necessarily get that mass market appeal. It’s something I’ll focus more on this year, who is breaking out and what are… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 9, 2017
Time is money
Time is money

Why Real-Time Analytics are Vital for Your Native Advertising Campaigns

  Put yourself in this situation: you have just launched a new campaign and you can see that your content is live, the publishers are distributing it and money is being spent. As an advertiser you’d typically have to wait for a minimum of 24 hours (it’s actually seven days for most advertisers) before you’ve been sent a report from your publisher. This means that you have absolutely no idea how your campaigns are doing, you can’t… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 9, 2017

This Week in Native Ads 2/3

With Ben out this week I’ll be jumping in (Hollie-Blue) to look after TWINA. Another big week for news here in the US, Super Bowl LI around the corner and from native news a focus on programmatic, the future of native, revenue from content distribution and why newsletters are hot again. Notable Stories this Week How AI and New Technologies Will Push the Limits of Native Advertising. Native will reach highly customised formats, tailored to individuals… Continue reading

Hollie-Blue Allum
Hollie-Blue Allum
February 2, 2017
Marketing attribution metrics pushing conversion
Marketing attribution metrics pushing conversion

How Nudge Content Attribution Gives Brands An Edge

  Proving that consumers take action is the ultimate proof point. Marketers are too often lead to believe that a conversion has to be a final step in the buyer journey; that’s not entirely true. ROI metrics has been, and still is the number one problem for content marketers. However, this is no longer the case for Nudge customers (read more about it here: Native Can Convert). Conversion is the ultimate proof point that a campaign… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 2, 2017