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All of our analytics content, including glossary, how to.

marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to analyze an audience

In analyzing an audience, you must understand how the audience data was collected. Is this first-party observed data, merged data, sampled data. How are the demographics for the data collected? Establishing these helps you understand your data foundation, is what you’ve got rock-solid enough to build conclusions on top of. If it isn’t, where is it weak, as you need to acknowledge that in your conclusions. Often we have to make decisions off incomplete or proxy data. But… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to analyze demographic data

First, you must interrogate and understand how the demographic data was collected. This can provide limitations, nuance, and context which is important. For example, if it is inferred data, you may interpret your outcomes differently. Then break apart your dataset into meaningful demographic clusters, i.e. 18-24. And analyze your data that way. How does each demographic differ from the rest? Are there trends or patterns. Can you predict what a demographic will do? Are you beginning to establish… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to analyze frequency data

Frequency data is vital for understanding how frequency can drive an impact on your results. The first step is understanding how the frequency data was collected, especially if you are combining multiple data sources. You need to make sure that you are combining and analyzing the right things. We call this, having a good data foundation. Then take apart your data and sort it into clusters, what was the impact at each level of frequency. Was there an… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
marketing data analysis
marketing data analysis

How to analyze trends

Identifying trends in your data is useful to map the trajectory of whatever your dataset is measuring. Typically Google Sheets and Excel include the ability to add a trend line, which is the most basic example of doing so. What you want to think about though in exploring trends are, is the dataset significant enough? Do we have accuracy in the data? Is the duration or timeframe long enough? Taking your data and visualizing it is the easiest… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How do you measure Content Marketing success

Defining success is ground in your content marketing strategy. What is it we are doing and why are we doing it. Then measuring success, gets a lot easier. You will want to make sure you have an analytics system installed, typically with a piece of javascript. That enables the platform to measure your content. Of the content marketing metrics, some that should help inform if your content is doing the work it should be is: Attention, how long… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
data driven marketing
data driven marketing

Data driven insights

We all love a good insight, those magic moments which help you dramatically improve or understand what’s going on in the market. Typically these were research-based, through surveys and panels. But increasingly data collection is now providing real-time insights that mean marketing can be adjusted on the fly. With tools like Nudge, they will create insights for you, analyzing the data and surfacing the most meaningful insights. And that is the best part now, getting from insight… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
data driven marketing
data driven marketing

What is data driven analytics?

Analytics is a term often thrown around but analytics is analysis of data, for the purposes of making a business decision. Simply counting something isn’t analytics. Data-driven analytics is using measurement to provide the baseline for the analysis. To find trends and insights. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
The Nudge Dashboard
The Nudge Dashboard

Nudge, a content marketing analytics & attribution dashboard

Nudge at its core is a marketing analytics platform to give you more visibility into what is performing. Because content has become the cornerstones or backbone of marketing today, that is where we have focused. And each year it continues to change. As we do too. As company or culture, we are very pragmatic, work within the constraints we as marketers have, to help deliver the best clarity. Then leverage technology to generate smarter insights. An example is our Insights… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 11, 2019

How much should you spend on measurement?

This is a question that many marketers are ask themselves. In a world where technology spend is trending towards half of marketers budgets, it’s not surprising that clarity is needed. A key finding is that top performers invest as much as 5x more than their peers in measurement. McKinsey recently published new research findings, stating that organizations that deploy the most technology appear to be the most successful. At first glance, this might seem somewhat illogical (as… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 20, 2019

Video Attribution

Video advertising is like the dark arts, there are many different players; different environments, devices, vendors and ways it’s served to the end consumer. This makes it difficult to truly understand where and what combination is truly engaging consumers and lifting results. As a way to sort through this mess, video attribution is a way of benchmarking the quality of the inventory you are buying. The ground hypothesis is, the ultimate measure of advertising effectiveness is the way… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 5, 2017