Ben Young
Ben Young
March 26, 2015

CampaignĀ of the Week:

Are Clowns Awesome or Scary? Depends if You’ve Watched Enough TV

Canal Digital Is Back With More Warnings on the Dangers of Ignoring TV


Why we like it:

Always a fan of light-hearted native advertising. This Scandinavian cable company gives us the excuse we need to sit back after a long day at the office.

Source: AdAge


Quote of the Week:

Ā Source:Ā Twitter



Inside BuzzFeedā€™s plan to prove its native ads work

By the standards of BuzzFeed, which tries to maximize how much its content is shared, its campaign for Toyota was a hit. Of everyone who saw the campaign, three in 10 shared it with others. At the center was a video, ā€œFirst Car Vs. First REALĀ Car,ā€ whichĀ went viral with 1 million views in less than two weeks. The clip humorously compared the experience of owning oneā€™s first lemon to owning oneā€™s first ā€œrealā€ car (a Toyota, of course).





Source:Ā Digiday


Avoid ‘Content Blindness’ as Native Ads Take Off

Many marketers are looking to native advertising to keep consumers interested and engaged, as classic banner ads and other familiar forms are losing their impact. Content marketing has its own issues, as some fear “content blindess” may dull the impact of native ads. During the recent 4A Conference the term was a hot topic for discussion, and was brought up during a panel.

Source:Ā AListDaily


The Programmatic Era of Native Content: 5 Ways to Maintain Quality in Native Ads

The native advertising world recently reached an important milestone. Last month, the Interactive Advertising BureauĀ released OpenRTB 2.3, the first set of programmatic guidelines for in-feed native ads, shaking up the process of real-time bidding and automation.

Source:Ā Relevance


Native Advertising Pt. 2: Bridging the Gap Between Content, Social & SEO

Great native advertising pays off in more ways than one. Itā€™s not only an innovative way to connect and engage with your target audience through social media, but it also puts the focus on great content, which can be valuable from an SEO standpoint. But it all depends on the execution.

Source:Ā Add3

ESPN, Outbrain Partnership Lets Other Marketers Get Native Placement on the Sports Site

One of the biggest names in sports is letting other publications tap into its digital audience.Ā ESPN and content recommendation platformĀ OutbrainĀ announced Thursday that the two signed a multi-year, global deal. And, because Outbrain is being integrated into ESPN’s in-house sales platform, it will allow third-party content to be seeded natively into ESPN’s editorial stream, including between articles in the ESPN newsfeed.

Source:Ā AdWeek


Native AdĀ Talks

If you’re in New York please come along for a couple of drinks and practical tips to take away on 23rd of AprilĀ at 6pm. Ā FeaturingĀ Adam Aston, Editorial Director at the New York Times and Joe Lazauskas, Editor in Chief at Contently, we dig in to how to win at native through producing great content. RSVPĀ here.

Thatā€™s it for this week.Ā If youā€™d like to contribute next week or send us a story tweet usĀ @giveitanudge.
