Ben Young
Ben Young
April 2, 2015

CampaignĀ of the Week:

Mothers of Invention – Carborigami

Remarkable women actively contribute to their community and the world through innovation, entrepreneurship, and invention.


Why we like it:

ToyotaĀ is supporting a number of women in theirĀ innovative ventures to help those less fortunate in our communities. A great cause which has been turned into a native advertisement for the New York Times.

Source: NYTimes


Quote of the Week:

Ā Source:Ā CampaignLive



Native programmatic: Apples and oranges in the same basket

The announcements just keep on coming. Gravity4, PubMatic, PowerLinks andĀ XaxisĀ all added native programmatic capabilities to their platforms, managing to get both ad-industry Buzzwords of the Year into one announcement. The IAB recentlyĀ blessedĀ the concept with its specification for real-time bidding for native ads. And then, there’s CondĆ© Nast’s Food Innovation Group, which opened aĀ private marketplaceĀ for native programmatic ads powered by TripleLift.

Source:Ā CampaignLive


Copyranter: Stop hiring journalists to write native ads

If you were Hunter S. Thompson, then, yes, I would give you a shot at writing a ā€œnativeā€ ad for my brand. Iā€™d give you several shots. But if you were Thompson, you wouldnā€™t lower yourself to do it. (Plus, youā€™d be dead. His 2005 suicide was a helluva ambient ā€œshockvertisingā€ ad for the effectiveness of Smith & Wesson products, though.)

Source:Ā Digiday


Expert: Look for native to continue strong growth

Although some say native advertising as an unknown entity, it isn’t slowing the adoption of the ad format. Rather, according to one expert, native is seeing strong growth that point to even higher adoption rates.

Source:Ā BizReport


Hillary Clintonā€™s e-mail controversy is being used as a native ad about BlackBerry

BlackBerry has long been a favorite among the political class evenĀ as its popularity among the general public has dwindled. National Journal even wrote a piece recently entitled “What Will Washington Do Without Blackberrys?“. Now one of the phone’s most famous users is being used in what looks like a native ad for the company. AĀ sponsored post onĀ VarietyĀ titled “Hillary Clinton’s E-mail: Lessons Learned” asks what we should take away from the controversy “if we move past the politics.”

Source: WashingtonPost


Native AdĀ Talks

If you’re in New York please come along for a couple of drinks and practical tips to take away on 23rd of AprilĀ at 6pm. Ā FeaturingĀ Adam Aston, Editorial Director at the New York Times and Joe Lazauskas, Editor in Chief at Contently, we dig in to how to win at native through producing great content. RSVPĀ here.

Thatā€™s it for this week.Ā If youā€™d like to contribute next week or send us a story tweet usĀ @giveitanudge.
