Ben Young
Ben Young
January 13, 2016

Content distribution networks do what they say on the label, they distribute your content so you get more eyeballs on it.

The big challenge – which everyone wants to know is, what are the quality of those clicks?

Often they can be cheap, come from a variety of sources, from high end publishers to viral click sites.

Not that this is always the case – but what can you do to ensure you’re getting quality clicks?

  1. Bid higher, chances are $0.01/clicks aren’t generating profit for the publisher, so your ads are going to slip down to questionable sources.
  2. Benchmark on quality of clicks, are people actually reading your content
  3. Measure down the funnel activity, white paper downloads, purchases

Remember, the purpose of content is to persuade, it can only persuade if it is in front of the right person and they actually read the content.

Nudge helps with this, by providing paid content distribution tracking, you can see

  • How many real people (so excluding bot traffic, viewable and other forms of non human traffic) your distribution network sent to your content.
  • How much active time they spent on the content, for all users, so you don’t inadvertently optimize for time on page [more on that here: If you’re using Time on Page to evaluate content you’re doing it wrong].
  • A true bounce rate, if someone reads your content they shouldn’t count as a bounce.
  • Conversion tracking, to see how your content and your paid distribution source contributed to a conversion***

***This is wildly important, often people try to optimize against how much content someone reads, but the best content is specific and engages the reader, when they finish they go on their way not necessarily hang around. Nudge lets you see which paid distribution sources are driving that conversion, as this can differ wildly.
