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Tag: National Geographic

See the latest examples of native advertising, branded content and partnerships from National Geographic. As featured on the Nudge blog.

publisher revenue
publisher revenue

This Week in Native Ads 1/24

After a couple of meatier weeks this is a lighter edition – but do spend it checking out the campaigns of the week, both excellent. Notable stories this week Revcontent introduces native video marketplace. Employees sharing TikToks behind the scenes. Facebook has barred an Israeli firm that claims it can “subconsciously influence” people, because it is allegedly using fake accounts on social media platforms. Instagram… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 24, 2020
first banner ad
first banner ad

This Week in Native Ads 10/25

One big thing The banner ad. For with it became immediately obvious that that internet could be a way to reach people. How? We put a sign on it. This week we celebrated the 25th year of the banner ad. That domino that created our industry is still falling. We liked RPA’s take. So what’s the domino happening right now? I think it’s the teleco going deep with mobile OTT partners, Quibi, Netflix, Peacock. What do… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 25, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 8/9

One big thing London folks, please do come along to our event later this month. As a kiwi in New York the biggest change between how content is seen here vs internationally, is the practicality. In other markets people are a lot more practical, I do this to get X or Y. Here the value chains are bigger. So they’re trying to help move the needle on that component. It’s good and bad. For emerging… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 9, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 5/17

One big thing This week I got to guest edit Why is this interesting? A daily newsletter by Colin Nagy and Noah Brier. Using Amazon Prime Video as an example I dig in to, data-driven vs data assisted decision making. And how subjectivity plays a big role even though the data itself is objective. Check it out. I’ll be in LA in the coming weeks, if you want to come talk… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 17, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 3/29

Digital Content NewFronts is coming up, if readers have invites, would love to join a couple more sessions. 🙂 One big thing There were a lot of smirks this week about Apple News+. But Apple is smart, especially at research and consumer segmentation. There will be more than enough people who don’t presently subscribe to anything, that bat away subscription notifications, who will be interested. Like HBO you just need three or four titles to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 3, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 9/21

One big thing I saw another post from DigiDay, marketers upset at lack of transparency. It’s worth calling out – transparency is an option, if you want it, go get a partner that will deliver it. Dmexco thoughts Dmexco was a bit sweet and sour. That is, I love catching up with peers and meeting new folks in the industry. But it’s largely just one side of the industry so feels tone deaf. There isn’t… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 21, 2018

Definition of Native Content

What is the definition of native content? Definition: A piece of content that has been commissioned or paid to be placed on an external website with the view that the content fits and the form and function of where it exists. Sponsored content is a term often used for native content How does it relate to native advertising? Native content is a type of native advertising. The criteria making it native is that: It is designed to fit in with the publisher… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 18, 2016