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See the latest research, insights and data on Facebook as it relates to content marketing, native advertising, media and content. Use Nudge to improve the impact of your Facebook content and understand how to allocate between the networks.


This Week in Native Ads 4/5

One big thing Google is in a difficult place with Chrome, Safari has ITP (privacy protection), as does Firefox and if they don’t level set, they risk losing market share. Such a change would threaten a lot of ad tech, especially anything that relies on third party cookies. AdWeek has a piece on how they’re between a rock and hard place, and AdExchanger digs in to what it could look like. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 5, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 3/29

Digital Content NewFronts is coming up, if readers have invites, would love to join a couple more sessions. 🙂 One big thing There were a lot of smirks this week about Apple News+. But Apple is smart, especially at research and consumer segmentation. There will be more than enough people who don’t presently subscribe to anything, that bat away subscription notifications, who will be interested. Like HBO you just need three or four titles to… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 3, 2019
BuzzFeed's print edition
BuzzFeed's print edition

This Week in Native Ads 3/8

One big thing Will everything online move to a pure pay for performance model? It strikes me that as retargeting has taken a hit on publisher revenues it’s been buoyed by affiliate content drives. This precision reduces the take but will keep focus on what actually works. Notable stories this week Mark Zuckerberg penned quite the long piece on privacy. It is worth reading, to get it straight from the source. ^ Unrelated but at… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 8, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/22

This week is a full on edition, so buckle in as it’s full of gems, from datapoints on Amazon, DrainerBot, to Apple acquiring a digital marketing firm. ? Notable stories this week This News Corp Australia story is interesting, the Outbrain vs Taboola showdown. Ultimately Taboola won this round. This is a battle which goes on every month. Hulu’s latest influencer marketing campaign should give you second thoughts about using one. Great… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/8

  One big thing I want to speak on the pace of change. Twitter this quarter is changing their reporting metric to mDAU, monetizeable daily active user. The market did not like it. Imagine if they had used this number a few years ago when Jack first came back. They would have been decimated. Were they measuring it? You can guarantee it. 3000 employees isn’t a ship you can turn overnight. Nor the expectations of millions of users. In… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 8, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/1

Notable stories this week Facebook & Google market research. This does raise the threat of being disintermediated by the operating system itself, what happens if Apple bans the app? Apparently Facebook has prepared for such a scenario (shout out to @ow for pointing this out). Very curious turn of events, they’re playing with fire. I suspect there is a research firm who recruits… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 1, 2019
Nudge end of year report 2019
Nudge end of year report 2019

This Week in Native Ads 12/21

Happy Holidays! This will be the final installment of the year. As you read this I will be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand for a decidedly summer Christmas and New Years. Looking back at the audience we’ve grown since starting this humble, passionate newsletter, I’m so grateful for the notes and the support. We’ve had 44% YOY growth with over 53,000 reads! It has been a tumultuous year in media and on a lot of cultural and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 21, 2018

This Week in Native Ads 8/3

One big thing For the past few years growing digital attention has been taken for granted, that’s starting to change. This week Facebook announced they are launching activity timers to help users manage how much time they are spending in FB + Instagram. Smart. Apple is doing the same on your phone. If you were to stop thinking about CPMs and think about Cost Per Second. With a defined amount of digital attention each… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 3, 2018
Facebook relooks at pre-roll
Facebook relooks at pre-roll

This Week in Native Ads 5/4

Given I missed a couple of weeks, this is a bigger edition, I’ve worked to make it as impactful as possible. This week in conversations, the balance between technology & service has come up a bit, our industry is often the first disrupted by technology – and everyone is feeling it. This is the new world, how can technology companies work with their service partners more effectively? And vice versa. It’s a partnership eco-system, neither can exist without the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 4, 2018