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Tag: content effectiveness

B2B Content Marketing Metrics

This post outlines the metrics B2B marketers should focus on when it comes to content marketing. Marketers focus on metrics that indicate that the content is having an impact on its potential customers. And for B2B, every interaction is valuable.  Nudge measures content marketing for many B2B brands and the metrics that businesses focus on are: People, how many real people are consuming your content.  Attention, attention is correlated to conversion rate so is vital. … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 13, 2023
positive graph
positive graph

Guide to Content Measurement

Content measurement is the process of collecting data around content marketing initiatives.  Brands create content because it will help inform, educate or provide utility to potential customers. And if a brand can achieve that, customers will reward them, with brand awareness, loyalty, purchase intent or purchase. Measurement should reflect these objectives. Before proceeding further, if you do not know enough about content measurement, I recommend the following articles. What are the best free content measurement tools?   What is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 29, 2023
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure content effectiveness

This post dives into how to measure content effectiveness. There are discrete measures but often it can fall into areas of ‘it depends’. This helps to give the reader the tools to help answer the question – is this effective? Marketing effectiveness seeks to understand how well the work is producing the desired results. Before going further, these posts may be of help: Guide to Content Measurement Guide to Content Marketing Analytics Guide to Content Marketing & … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2023

Content Marketing ROI Statistics

A summary of research and statistics the establish how content marketing drives return on investment (ROI). These are filtered from our wider post on how consumers react to content and how it impacts business. Nudge has a marketing analytics platform If you’re looking for a tool to help you measure content ROI. The conversion rate of the native ads and branded content that dealt with sports and included detailed information on each player and country’s… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 13, 2021
measuring marketing effectiveness
measuring marketing effectiveness

How to Measure Digital Marketing Effectiveness

Using a third-party specialist marketing analytics tool will enable you to measure your effectiveness. In particular, when marketers reference effectiveness, understanding benchmarks is helpful. Where am I sitting as an organization against my competitors? Because yes, you need to be effective in driving results but are we doing better than our competitors (or not). This is useful nuance and context. Because hey, who doesn’t want to beat their competitors? Technically you are going to need a few things… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
Measure and increase your purchase intent with Nudge
Measure and increase your purchase intent with Nudge

Measuring Purchase Intent with Nudge

Rooted in the family tree of predictive analytics, you find purchase intent. In today’s digital world, purchase intent is now an actionable measurement. By identifying purchasing behavior and which steps of the buyer journey that drives real, tangible value, you’ve got the information you need to set some very clear targets to optimize against – in a highly quantifiable way. By measuring purchase intent, it enables you to have a wider conversation around how activities drive it and… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
March 29, 2017
native benchmark dashboard
native benchmark dashboard

How You’re Flying Blind Without Benchmarks

As a marketer, it’s so easy to find yourself in a situation where looking at performance metrics just turn into a bunch of meaningless numbers. And even if your metrics tell you how you’re performing compared to previous weeks/months/years, you still don’t know what you should be able to achieve within your industry and/or vertical. Without a bigger picture you’re in danger of riding into battle with your competition, blindfolded.   Speak to a member of the team… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
January 26, 2017