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Tag: content attribution

How content drive business results is the attribution utopia. See the latest stories, insights, case studies, data and research – as featured on the Nudge blog.

positive graph
positive graph

Guide to Content Measurement

Content measurement is the process of collecting data around content marketing initiatives.  Brands create content because it will help inform, educate or provide utility to potential customers. And if a brand can achieve that, customers will reward them, with brand awareness, loyalty, purchase intent or purchase. Measurement should reflect these objectives. Before proceeding further, if you do not know enough about content measurement, I recommend the following articles. What are the best free content measurement tools?   What is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 29, 2023
how to measure
how to measure

How to measure content effectiveness

This post dives into how to measure content effectiveness. There are discrete measures but often it can fall into areas of ‘it depends’. This helps to give the reader the tools to help answer the question – is this effective? Marketing effectiveness seeks to understand how well the work is producing the desired results. Before going further, these posts may be of help: Guide to Content Measurement Guide to Content Marketing Analytics Guide to Content Marketing & … Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2023
What's on your content marketing dashboard?
What's on your content marketing dashboard?

What’s on your Content Marketing Dashboard?

The best dashboard is the one you use so start simple. A good place to start, is with an out of the box dashboard, that gives you the top line metrics you need to see. Use that for a bit, then after a few months, customize it to suit. Or you figure out what exact metrics to focus on.  Going fancy or too technical too early in a content marketing program can limit options down the track. It’s better… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 23, 2023
Content attribution tactics
Content attribution tactics

Guide to Content Attribution

Content attribution is the holy grail of content marketing. Being able to demonstrate business outcomes from content is the ultimate proof point. For many marketers they’re still trying to figure it out.  What is content attribution? It is the process of measuring and identifying how content drives business outcomes and then attributing that to the content that created that outcome. If you’re new to content attribution, these articles might be helpful: How do I prove marketing attribution… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 5, 2022
how to use digital media analytics to improve roi
how to use digital media analytics to improve roi

Why Marketers Need Digital Media Analytics to Improve ROI

Digital media, otherwise known as ‘content’, can be created, seen, modified, and shared online. Examples of digital media formats include podcasts, video games, videos, websites, social media, and online advertising. By using digital media analysis software, you have the ability to observe, report, and improve your digital media campaigns. You obtain insight into what content performs well, where you’re reaching people, which channels have the best engagement, and what your audience’s conversion journey is. If you’re able to figure out… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 24, 2021
how to choose your digital marketing dashboard
how to choose your digital marketing dashboard

How to choose your digital marketing dashboard

Choosing a digital marketing dashboard can be difficult. This post helps to make the process of selecting a dashboard easier and more effective. Let’s start by defining what as dashboard is.   What is a digital marketing dashboard?  A digital marketing dashboard is a collection of metrics, with the purpose of displaying important information in regards to your business. Typically using visualizations to make the data easier to digest. And just like a dashboard in your car, a digital marketing… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 24, 2021
the best content analytics 2021
the best content analytics 2021

The Best Content Analytics Tools of 2022

I was having a virtual coffee the other day, jamming on different measurement tools being used when it comes to content. Content creation, content marketing, content optimization. With agile marketing teams, focused on getting the most from their resources, having the right tools can make all the difference. Many use a web analytics tool like Google Analytics, yet find that it lacks the fidelity to identify where content can improve and see the impact it has on the customer. What… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2021
measuring marketing effectiveness
measuring marketing effectiveness

How to Measure Digital Marketing Effectiveness

Using a third-party specialist marketing analytics tool will enable you to measure your effectiveness. In particular, when marketers reference effectiveness, understanding benchmarks is helpful. Where am I sitting as an organization against my competitors? Because yes, you need to be effective in driving results but are we doing better than our competitors (or not). This is useful nuance and context. Because hey, who doesn’t want to beat their competitors? Technically you are going to need a few things… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How do you measure Content Marketing success

Defining success is ground in your content marketing strategy. What is it we are doing and why are we doing it. Then measuring success, gets a lot easier. You will want to make sure you have an analytics system installed, typically with a piece of javascript. That enables the platform to measure your content. Of the content marketing metrics, some that should help inform if your content is doing the work it should be is: Attention, how long… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
How to articulate the ROI of your content
How to articulate the ROI of your content

Content Marketing ROI

In this post we establish what your content ROI is, how to calculate it and explain it to others. What is Content ROI? What the return on investment of content boils down to is this: does it deliver the business outcome that you require? Pretty simple. How do you define those outcomes? That’s the more tricky part. But it typically comes down to a few buckets, awareness, interest, desire and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 1, 2019