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Tag: attribution

How enterprise brands can leverage predictive models for zero click marketing

With brands adopting content-led strategies in recent years, it has created a real paradox. Creating zero click content on social which gets better reach & engagement from your audience versus encouraging them to click through to the website where transactions happen. And then when a customer inevitably searches for or arrives at a brand directly, marketers have been unable to attribute the value back to their activity. The harsh reality is that this lack of attribution has led to turnover… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 4, 2025

How to set up eCommerce Analytics with Nudge

eCommerce Analytics helps marketers understand how customers are engaging with their store, which includes their content marketing and product listings. Nudge enables eCommerce marketers to get a better idea of what is engaging customers and finding areas to improve, to increase sales. To get set up, first create an account.   Sign up to Nudge First you need to sign up to Nudge, click the sign up button. Enter your email and a password, or log in with Google. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 21, 2022
2021 Content marketing trends & insights
2021 Content marketing trends & insights

Content Marketing Trends & Insights

In this piece we examine the three big content marketing trends for the year ahead. This year is the year of squeezing more from the lemon. Making things go further. Doing more with less. There I’ve said it three times, it makes it more legit, right? But honestly, that is the predominant trend this year. That is the biggest content marketing trend at a macro level, but day to day, there appear to be two buckets in content… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2021

This Week in Native Ads 2/21

Back from NZ, with a tan that is rapidly fading. It’s been a good week, catching up and getting back in mid quarter. One big thing This week is awash with OTT stories – and you might be wondering why we would include these. But the strongest trend (and opportunity) we see is the inversion of tv and content. Branded content is being developed, then distributed via TV. A natural fit for digital brands, using the data and insights… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 21, 2020
measuring marketing success
measuring marketing success

How to measure marketing ROI

Once you have established a succinct marketing strategy and objectives, establishing the return on investment is easier. You look at all your inputs, how much did you spend or invest in resources. Then look at the outputs. The proviso here, is often money is invested in a year but the return can be a multi-year payback. Which is often forgotten. That’s simple in principle. So how do you measure it? Often through a mix of measurement… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 11/1

Colin here. I’m filling in for Ben as he prepares for child number two. One big thing There’s starting to be a flood of brand interest onto TikTok. It is, put simply, one of the most interesting and creative spaces on the Internet right now. Not surprisingly, the platform is experimenting and is in the nascent stages of building out its ad and sponsorship products. Right now, it’s basically just an opening screen that a… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 1, 2019
marketing metrics
marketing metrics

The measurement problem facing modern marketers

It is 2021, and measurement is more of a moving target than ever. The industry, platforms, and content are all in flux. Lets take a look at recent data points we’ve seen: – 87% of ad execs say they hold back spending on media and platforms due to poor measurement. – MediaPost – Half of the marketers in this survey discard at least half of their data. – eMarketer – Centralizing marketing data remains a top priority… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 4, 2019

How to squeeze more juice from the lemon

A post on maximizing every dollar of your content investments Nothing irritates me more than wasting time or money. Hence – Nudge. In 2017 Nudge measured 1000+ campaigns, each involving a different brand and content creator, which gives us a unique view into what delivers results and what does not. These are some tactics informed by data and supplemented by my own observations on how marketers can extract more value from the campaigns they’ve invested in. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 11, 2018

Introducing Nudge 3.0

  Introducing the next exciting phase of Nudge with its newly built AI intelligence layer, features, updates, and Nudge Spectrum.   Get in touch with your account manager today, to talk about the latest features.   Content prediction ‘Predict how well your content will do before it goes live’   Through Nudge’s latest artificial intelligence layer, the platform now has the ability to determine key metrics associated with a campaign before it goes live,… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
September 27, 2017

Content Analytics – The Old Fashioned Way

Content is something that is evidently growing and intertwining with marketing. So how and in what way was it used before everything went digital? When you talk about content analytics nowadays, everything is done through different measurement tools and Nudge is one of them. It’s evident that this has hardly been the case if you examine content analytics through a historical perspective. In 1931, Alfred R. Lindesmith developed something that became known as a “content analysis technique”, a methodology that… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
February 20, 2014