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Nudge Update, September 2017
This month we’ve got a very special edition of our product newsletter for you, as we’ll be sharing some of our latest, most exciting new features, pre press-release…
On that note we’re excited to tell you about our latest platform features: Demographics, Content Stream and Executive Notes – read on below.
Ben Young, CEO & Founder of Nudge, recently wrote a commentary piece reflecting on ‘How native can get more creative’ which is definitely worth a read.
Furthermore, it’s worth checking out Ben’s latest posts on attribution, specifically on how we at Nudge think about video and content attribution.
We’ve started a new blog series called ‘Native Tactics’, which will feature simple ways to grow the value and scale of your native content campaigns. The first tactic out the gate is Email Newsletters.
We’re also looking for a talented Account Executive, if this is you or if you know anyone that could be interested, LMK! You’ll find more info on this role as you scroll down.
Nudge’s Executive Notes (AI)
All campaigns and activity end up on a boss’s desk somewhere, summed up in 2-3 bullet points. Our hypothesis was that we could get to those bullet points a lot faster and shift that cognitive load from the end user to Nudge using our initial experiments with AI. Read more…
Nudge Demographics – Why it’s Essential for Native Advertisers
With Nudge, marketers now have a connection from behavior, to demographics, to purchase intent. This means that they now have the full view of exactly how impactful your content is on your audiences, from start to finish, and where you need to optimize in accordance with the business objectives.
How to Identify Problems Early With Nudge’s Content Stream
When you go to build a campaign, Nudge Content Stream allows you to see all of the pieces of content that haven’t yet been added to a campaign. In turn, this reduces the time it takes for your team to build campaigns and minimizes the risk of error, which is part of our commitment to making the platform even smarter and easier to use.
How Native Can Get More Creative
With the recent Google announcement of AdSense native advertising, it is clear that native advertising on the Web is reaching a tipping point. These new formats include in-feed, in-article and matched content. But the idea of being able to provide something creative and thoughtful, in an environment harmonious to the feed or the context of the publication is largely being ignored.
Video Attribution
Video advertising is like the dark arts, there are many different players; different environments, devices, vendors and ways it’s served to the end consumer. This makes it difficult to truly understand where and what combination is truly engaging consumers and lifting results.
How we think about Content Attribution
Content attribution is the holy grail of content marketing and native advertising. Being able to demonstrate business outcomes from content is the ultimate proof point.
Native Tactics #1 Email Newsletters
First out of the gate in this brand new series, is a tactic that often gets overlooked, email newsletters, are a great source of eyeballs to native campaigns. Typically you already have one, it’s a free extension and it’s an ‘already opted into’ network.
We’re Hiring: Account Executive/Superstar
Native content is the future. All brands are adjusting their marketing communications to content and in turn native. This is a ground floor opportunity to come in and drive the sales of Nudge.
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