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Edition #281 Brands inevitable DTC future

One big thing Even PlayStation is going direct to consumer with the launch of Playstation studios, ahead of the PS5 launch. “Sony has developed a new umbrella brand to unite its first-party PlayStation titles. The PlayStation Studios brand will go live in PlayStation 4 and 5 games later this year, and will only be featured on games developed and managed by Sony Interactive Entertainment's Worldwide Studios organization.” It’s not that they will now produce games… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 15, 2020
making the case for content in uncertain times
making the case for content in uncertain times

This Week in Native Ads 4/3

Recapping an internal note we sent to clients this week. We’ve put up a page covering Covid-19 and impact on marketing, media and content. We’re updating it daily. We continue to offer Nudge to the community, COVID causes and insights sessions. One big thing This tweet stream from Alex Russell caught my eye – on mobile CPUs and the performance inequality gap. The outtake is that the cheapest high… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 3, 2020

Traffic Quality in 2019, a Deep Dive into Sharethrough’s Native Advertising Performance

  Download the full report here.   Before you read the full report, the key findings were: 1. Sharethrough is a higher quality source than Recommendation units by 10.5 percent, and Native by 37.6 percent. 2. Sharethrough’s native ads outperform traditional display ads by 61 percent. 3. When comparing the difference in quality between Sharethrough’s mobile traffic to the Global mobile traffic standard, the result is a staggering 83 percent. 4. Social Media is… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
July 10, 2019
Context in premium environments
Context in premium environments

Why context in premium environments dominate how we respond to content

Working at Nudge, I get to look behind the advertising industry’s ‘curtain’ on a daily basis. Marketers who know me often ask ‘what’s the one thing I should do more of?’. I always tell them the same thing – focus on improving the quality of your content campaigns. Now, not wanting to risk losing your interest this early into the article (due to what can be seen as an obfuscating statement), what I mean by quality is:  … Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 6, 2019
People vs Attention
People vs Attention

Nudge Analyzed 9 Million Paid Clicks to Branded Content, Here’s What we Found

  We analyzed 9 million paid clicks to branded content to pick out the highest quality distribution channels during Q1, 2018.   Knowing this, marketers can shape their distribution strategies and pinpoint where they should focus spend, in order to increase the attention from their audiences, i.e. get more bang for your buck.   If you’re interested in attaining the slides for this piece of research, you can find them here. Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
July 5, 2018