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Tag: ROI

View the latest data, research and insights on marketing ROI. With a particular focus on emerging media, content and native advertising. Subscribe to the Nudge newsletter to keep on top of it each week.

Measuring sponsored content

Sponsored content plays a vital role in the media mix. But often requires nuance in measuring it, determining its success and ROI to the campaign. To measure sponsored content, requires specialist analytics, like Nudge. Using tracking code, embedded in the content. Then enables real time analytics on the performance of the sponsored content. Example of a sponsored content dashboard collecting data & insights.   Getting access to the data in real time means advertisers can adjust media mix… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 25, 2023

Measuring custom content

Custom content is by definition custom and hard to put into a regular bucket. Yet it provides a vital role in any advertising campaign. The custom parts can be the home, or the hub, or help fill gaps in the media plan. To measure custom content, requires specialist analytics, like Nudge. Using tracking code, embedded in the content. Then enables real time analytics on the performance of the custom content. Example of a custom content dashboard collecting data &… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 25, 2023
positive graph
positive graph

Guide to Content Measurement

Content measurement is the process of collecting data around content marketing initiatives.  Brands create content because it will help inform, educate or provide utility to potential customers. And if a brand can achieve that, customers will reward them, with brand awareness, loyalty, purchase intent or purchase. Measurement should reflect these objectives. Before proceeding further, if you do not know enough about content measurement, I recommend the following articles. What are the best free content measurement tools?   What is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 29, 2023
tv ad spend the lowest its been since 2015
tv ad spend the lowest its been since 2015

This Week in Native Ads 12/6

Next week I’m hosting some drinks for smart folks in the sports media industry. LMK if you’d like to join us. Informal, small group. I shared my top books of 2019, what were yours? One big thing The Columbia Journalism school has been undertaking a multi-year study on the relationship between large-scale technology companies and journalism. In their latest update, they summarize the present state of affairs. A couple of takeaways: How publishers use the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
December 6, 2019
How to articulate the ROI of your content
How to articulate the ROI of your content

Content Marketing ROI

In this post we establish what your content ROI is, how to calculate it and explain it to others. What is Content ROI? What the return on investment of content boils down to is this: does it deliver the business outcome that you require? Pretty simple. How do you define those outcomes? That’s the more tricky part. But it typically comes down to a few buckets, awareness, interest, desire and… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 1, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 10/18

One big thing This week I caught the Carat webinar focused on 2020 and Attention. With the election and Olympics coming up it’ll be a big year, a hard one to A couple of points which To cut through, you need to be relevant and to be relevant you need good content. One TIL was that for political advertisers, they have to be careful with targeting – because the right message to the wrong audience, can actually drive donations… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 18, 2019
Factors which drive ROI
Factors which drive ROI

Factors which Drive Content ROI

This post dives into the factors which drive content return on investment (ROI). As marketers, we create content to add value for our existing and potential customers. The aim of this content is to build brand loyalty, educate on products and services or tell stories from a unique perspective. The aim is that the people consuming the content view our brand more favorably, and in turn will buy what we’re selling. That’s where a platform like Nudge comes in. Using… Continue reading

Jessica Toib
Jessica Toib
October 15, 2019
marketing metrics
marketing metrics

The measurement problem facing modern marketers

It is 2021, and measurement is more of a moving target than ever. The industry, platforms, and content are all in flux. Lets take a look at recent data points we’ve seen: – 87% of ad execs say they hold back spending on media and platforms due to poor measurement. – MediaPost – Half of the marketers in this survey discard at least half of their data. – eMarketer – Centralizing marketing data remains a top priority… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 4, 2019
logos of some of the world's biggest brands
logos of some of the world's biggest brands

How Branded Content Drives Business Outcomes

The tldr; content that is consumed, disclosed and has calls to action will drive business outcomes. Getting to content that is consumed, is the hard part. More on that below. Before we indulge in this post, there are a few provisos I need to give. These are, level setting, branded content can easily drive business outcomes when you have effective measurement in place. If you don’t have that – you can and will lose money very quickly. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 29, 2019

How to squeeze more juice from the lemon

A post on maximizing every dollar of your content investments Nothing irritates me more than wasting time or money. Hence – Nudge. In 2017 Nudge measured 1000+ campaigns, each involving a different brand and content creator, which gives us a unique view into what delivers results and what does not. These are some tactics informed by data and supplemented by my own observations on how marketers can extract more value from the campaigns they’ve invested in. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 11, 2018