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Tag: premium environments

Anatomy of bots: how we saved a major tech company from paying seven figures for fraudulent traffic

We hear a lot about bot fraud and fake traffic. There are astounding numbers and when the money is being paid for a brand budget but being lost to these bad actors, you can be sure there’s no significant business growth coming from it. It is essential to take this beyond the headlines, from abstraction and dive into what is happening here. Following is a vivid example of a bot campaign in action, with one of our clients. All names… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 1, 2020

How emotional responses to advertising impact brand recall

I recently wrote a piece on how context in premium environments impact how we respond to content, where we learned that contextual advertising leads to increases in attention, which in turn, impacts brand recall (amongst other things). In this piece, I cover how advertising/branded content impacts long-term memory – more specifically, how emotional responses to advertising strengthens brand recall and recognition. To avoid confusion, it’s worth noting that I alternate between the terms ‘advertising’ and ‘branded content’,… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
August 8, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 6/7

One big thing I spent some time in LA this week, chatting with a cross-section of content creators. The consensus was that Netflix has been a net positive for the ecosystem. One takeaway was how everyone is on the hunt for the next great content idea/series. Where and how can they get an edge on the next cultural moment? The competition and hunt for that (and data) is more fierce than ever. It’s completely analogous to the competition for… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
June 7, 2019
Context in premium environments
Context in premium environments

Why context in premium environments dominate how we respond to content

Working at Nudge, I get to look behind the advertising industry’s ‘curtain’ on a daily basis. Marketers who know me often ask ‘what’s the one thing I should do more of?’. I always tell them the same thing – focus on improving the quality of your content campaigns. Now, not wanting to risk losing your interest this early into the article (due to what can be seen as an obfuscating statement), what I mean by quality is:  … Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
June 6, 2019