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OutBrain was an early pioneer in content recommendations, enabling marketers to better distribute their content. Get the latest insights, trends and data on how Outbrain drives business results for brands.


This Week in Native Ads 3/13

We're hearing more people are WFH, if you've got time for a 30 minute coffee over screen share, Gustaf would still love to chat. He is looking for marketers to provide feedback on a new initiative. If you would like to be involved, in exchange for a treat on us, let me know. Much appreciated. ? A lot of info is flying around about Covid, Noah put together a simple verified list about it in an… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 13, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 11/8

Pleased to announce the youngest young joined the family last week, thanks for the notes. We’re back to normal albeit with less sleep. ? This week is jam-packed, so save a few links, keep an eye on commentary from Darren Herman and datapoints of note. Oh and LinkedIn launched a newsletter tool? One big thing The piece that I dug the most this week is the Spotify tapping Viacom for content marketing on DigiDay. And for a number of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 8, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 10/4

Back in the hot seat, it’s been a full on couple of weeks but read on. For those who follow Nudge, we have soft-launched a ‘for all content marketers’ solution. You can check it out here. It’s pretty neat. And that seems a fitting thing to announce on the 250th edition. Native is now the norm, content is now the norm. Thank you all for reading! The comments, intros, submissions are what really makes it. ???… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
October 4, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 9/6

One big thing Given the post Labor Day rush and short week this week is a bit lighter. Would love readers feedback, on serving the newsletter as a story. Here’s the link, thanks to Nws.ai. We also shared our progress in a special edition if you’d like to take a peek. Notable stories this week Sara Fischer calls it the Brexit Bump, FT profits $8.15m revenue up… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 6, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 8/9

One big thing London folks, please do come along to our event later this month. As a kiwi in New York the biggest change between how content is seen here vs internationally, is the practicality. In other markets people are a lot more practical, I do this to get X or Y. Here the value chains are bigger. So they’re trying to help move the needle on that component. It’s good and bad. For emerging… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 9, 2019
What happened to Red Bull?
What happened to Red Bull?

This Week in Native Ads 3/1

The Ligatus acquisition might have snuck under your radar but this is notable consolidation in Europe. For American readers they are the TripleLift or ShareThrough of Europe (headcount of 180 vs 230) but they’d already been acquired by Bertelsmann the publishing/broadcasting group. This is much more common in Europe. The deal was for stock. So why would an already exited player onsell and for stock? Likely CPMs guarantees on deals were under pressure from ITP and fearing a more competitive… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 1, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 2/22

This week is a full on edition, so buckle in as it’s full of gems, from datapoints on Amazon, DrainerBot, to Apple acquiring a digital marketing firm. ? Notable stories this week This News Corp Australia story is interesting, the Outbrain vs Taboola showdown. Ultimately Taboola won this round. This is a battle which goes on every month. Hulu’s latest influencer marketing campaign should give you second thoughts about using one. Great… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2019
OTT Ad Impression Measurement
OTT Ad Impression Measurement

This Week in Native Ads 9/28

Hey friends! Melanie Deziel here, Founder of StoryFuel and the Brand Storyteller Society. Ben is off this week, so I’ve jumped in, in his stead, to deliver this week’s edition of This Week in Native Ads! Notable stories this week Guess it’s time to add “biometric data” to our list of content campaign KPIs: The Telegraph is now measuring branded content with biological response data. While it… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
September 28, 2018