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Tag: native content advertising

programmatic direct native advertising
programmatic direct native advertising

Native Tactics #4 Programmatic Direct Native Advertising

Native tactics are simple ways to grow the value and scale of your native content campaigns. In this blog series, we’ll be featuring tactics that you may or may not currently have in your arsenal, but most definitely should. Over time, this blog series will feature a bunch of great tactics that you and your team should be utilizing – find them here… #4 Programmatic Direct Native Advertising Over the last couple of years, digital advertising buyers have had… Continue reading

Gustaf Stenlund
Gustaf Stenlund
September 21, 2017

What is Native Content Advertising?

Native content advertising is where you use native ad formats to distribute your content. Our post The Best Native Ads of 2015 has some great examples of best in class executions, further we have compiled a list of native advertising tools you can leverage. You might be wondering, how does native content complement my content marketing initiatives, native content is a great way to extend those efforts. It’s like the icing on the cake, it helps draw people in. You… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 18, 2016

Definition of Native Content

What is the definition of native content? Definition: A piece of content that has been commissioned or paid to be placed on an external website with the view that the content fits and the form and function of where it exists. Sponsored content is a term often used for native content How does it relate to native advertising? Native content is a type of native advertising. The criteria making it native is that: It is designed to fit in with the publisher… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 18, 2016

What is native ad content?

Native ad content is the term used to describe paid content, that has either been placed or produced by a publisher on their website or application. The criteria making it native is that: It is designed to fit in with the publisher Created or curated fort he audience On an external website Other terms sometimes used interchangeably are sponsored post, paid content, advertorial, branded content. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 14, 2015