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Tag: data driven ads

data driven marketing
data driven marketing

How to deliver data driven marketing

Embrace data driven decision making as an input in to your marketing. As you shape up your strategy and plans, use data audits to understand what is working and what isn’t working. Then embrace continual optimization and changes through a regular data feedback loop in to progress. This could be real-time dashboards for the tactical through to bigger reports for the monthly, quarterly and annual. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
data driven marketing
data driven marketing

Data driven digital marketing

Digital marketing tends to be very data-centric. That is using data as a feedback loop to continually refine, improve and adjust directions. Data-driven digital marketing is about making sure this is front and center. This means, reviewing the data each week, making small adjustments. Reviewing the data each month and quarter for making bigger adjustments. The tighter that feedback loop to meaningful data, the faster the work can improve. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
data driven marketing
data driven marketing

Data driven creative

It’s a cliche to say creatives don’t like data. But they do. It’s just that often data isn’t framed up in the right way. Data helps provide insights to push off, to put limitations or constraints, both of which help create better creative. Creatives should soak it up, mull it over, and let it guide the creative. But like any inputs don’t let it overrule the whole process. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
data driven marketing
data driven marketing

How to create data driven content

How you can use data to create better content, that’s what marketers mean when they reference data-driven content. To do this you need solid content analytics, to measure and provide accurate data on your content. Are people reading it? Are they sharing it? Where do they find it? All of this helps inform and create better data-driven content. Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020