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Tag: commentary

Can collaboration in content collapse already?

Collaboration in content is still hard, disjointed and not very scientific. An ideal scenario would balance the art and science of content, supporting the creative to nestle out the best work. Too much content is unseen, unconsumed and has the work gone to waste. Effective collaboration helps solve this. The problem is data-driven collaboration is missing from all processes. At the moment, data is largely not involved in the collaboration process. At best some data or insight is shared in… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 26, 2021
Shenanigans in sports sponsorships
Shenanigans in sports sponsorships

Shenanigans in sports sponsorships

Formula 1 is the yachting of motorsports, that is it is showy, speedy and intellectual. Many have been introduced or brought back to it through Drive to Survive on Netflix. As I was. Simply it is 20 drivers, racing around a track, in cars that have to adhere to regulations. Otherwise referred to as the Formula, hence Formula 1. There is a whole history around the regulations and the history which is… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2021
Tech optimism
Tech optimism

Should we be optimistic about technology?

The role technology is playing in our lives is ever more present and top of mind. This piece explores optimism around technology, how the bad stuff is wired into us, economic freedom and how do we keep it in check.Should we even be optimistic about technology?Kevin Kelly is a futurist and author of books What Technology Wants and The Inevitable, looking at how technology shapes us. As founding editor of… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2021
the economics of attention
the economics of attention

The economics of attention

This piece highlights the economics of attention across consumer media. This is curious for a few reasons, understanding what we as consumers get for free and what thatโ€™s worth, what consumers are willing to pay for content, the potential for up and coming media like TikTok, how scale and personalization impact the economics.We have broken it into two sections, different mediums and different platforms. And the dollar amount per hour the platform earns from our attention.  Revenue per hour (cents)Medium Cable67Linear… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2021

The first time Apple built a Search Engine

Speculation has arisen again about the prospect of Apple launching a search engine. In July Apple updated its Applebot docs and the bot has since been observed crawling the internet more aggressively. So is now the time Apple launches a search engine? On HackerNews, an ex-Apple developer (jd20) shared how the first AppleBot was run. AppleBot being the program that goes out and builds an index of websites, captures metadata like topic,… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 17, 2021
2021 Content marketing trends & insights
2021 Content marketing trends & insights

Content Marketing Trends & Insights

In this piece we examine the three big content marketing trends for the year ahead. This year is the year of squeezing more from the lemon. Making things go further. Doing more with less. There Iโ€™ve said it three times, it makes it more legit, right? But honestly, that is the predominant trend this year. That is the biggest content marketing trend at a macro level, but day to day, there appear to be two buckets in content… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 22, 2021

The shift in thinking: Content is back

The internet zigs & zags, it always does, between two paradigms. Winning through technical innovation or winning through creative innovation. When you’re first to a platform just playing there you can win, as it matures you’ve got to get creative with it to win. Marketing has been shifting on to social platforms, doing the creativity within. Now it’s coming back out – to be content centric. Brands aren’t fretting where the content is they just want to get it in… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
February 28, 2014