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Edition #281 Brands inevitable DTC future

One big thing Even PlayStation is going direct to consumer with the launch of Playstation studios, ahead of the PS5 launch. “Sony has developed a new umbrella brand to unite its first-party PlayStation titles. The PlayStation Studios brand will go live in PlayStation 4 and 5 games later this year, and will only be featured on games developed and managed by Sony Interactive Entertainment's Worldwide Studios organization.” It’s not that they will now produce games… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
May 15, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 4/17

You did, you made it to Friday – well done. One big thing You want to be careful to not be caught in a false economy. On the one hand, you see podcast revenue is up, which is likely committed revenue which hasn’t yet been pulled back. On the other, you see the pipeline of new content is reducing. But eyeballs are at all-time highs. The London Business School put together a PDF on the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 17, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 3/20

Thanks to everyone who participated, Gustaf passes on thanks for the invaluable feedback. If anyone else wants to join just let me know. One big thing Content consumption is up. I was delighted to receive the latest edition of The Explorers Journal, I’ll treat myself at the weekend over coffee. It got me thinking, during this disruption print editions of major publications are likely to stop, or be paused. And some won’t come back. A… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
March 20, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 8/23

One big thing Iโ€™ve been thinking about Barbell strategy this week. When people invest short term and long term. Or a big consumer media company partners with a tiny company. Or the mix between high and low risk assets. It seems in a digital world, the middle is being squeezed out. If itโ€™s sizable, it becomes a portfolio item in a bigger company. Otherwise its small and niche. As it relates to readers, it seems… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 23, 2019