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This Week in Native Ads 4/17

You did, you made it to Friday – well done. One big thing You want to be careful to not be caught in a false economy. On the one hand, you see podcast revenue is up, which is likely committed revenue which hasn’t yet been pulled back. On the other, you see the pipeline of new content is reducing. But eyeballs are at all-time highs. The London Business School put together a PDF on the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
April 17, 2020

This Week in Native Ads 1/17

One big thing The story this week was Google committing to a roadmap to remove third-party cookies within 2 years. This has been an internal battle for them, Google Adsense vs DoubleClick vs Chrome. Google Adsense is the traditional advertising teams’ at Google, DoubleClick is the more brand solutions and Chrome – obviously their browser. The ads teams want/need the third party cookies but Chrome doesn’t want to lose market share by not keeping up… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 17, 2020
buzzfeed plans to lay off 15% of staff
buzzfeed plans to lay off 15% of staff

This Week in Native Ads 1/25

One big thing Marie Kondo is having her cultural moment, I read the book a few years ago – and subsequently went on a rampage through the house and my belongings ha. From a marketers perspective, it’s also a process worth doing, reviewing all the tools, systems, processes, partners and looking to simplify. In a world of growing spend, we’ve added more, simplifying helps everyone focus on the end result – better business outcomes. IF you haven’t caught… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
January 25, 2019

This Week in Native Ads 11/9

Welcome to all new readers who have joined this past week and a big congrats to the the winners at the Native Institute Awards. One big thing Ari Paparo’s piece on How business models change incentives in marketing technology is spot on. (CPM, usage, percentage of speed, SAAS). It’s often an underlooked decision, how you buy technology impacts the buyer and seller and can mean your incentives are at… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
November 9, 2018
Supreme, New York Post
Supreme, New York Post

This Week in Native Ads 8/17

Are you going to DMEXCO next month? Let me know, maybe we do a This Week in Native get together. One big thing The ability to optimize most advertising. This MediaPost by Dave Morgan – is spot on. Subtly in the past couple of years, most forms of advertising are now optimizable. Not 100% but it’s a great thought. Will this finally shake ‘optimization as a service’ back to agencies? ALSO I loved the… Continue reading

Ben Young
Ben Young
August 17, 2018