Ben Young
Ben Young
October 28, 2022

A low CTR but high conversion rate can be a confusing datapoint. It can often be seen with content recommendation ads. However it can be a good thing. The reason is, potential customers are reading the headline before clicking. And if the headline is accurate, it is self selecting as to who this will be most relevant for. Then the most relevant people click through and then do convert at a higher rate.

So where you see this happening, is typically an example of better advertising creative upfront. It may be you need to narrow your targeting to lift the CTR up. However that’s a consideration of cost, as that may increase the cost upfront.

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CTR isn’t technically a metric which should indicate a better conversion rate. But we use it to understand how well an ad is resonating with an audience, and then conclude that then it should drive a conversion. Low CTR could also be caused ad placements by low ad viewability. But then when they are seen, people convert at a higher rate.

Attention is a metric associated with conversion rate, using a platform like Nudge, to optimize your ads to their post-click attention, will help improve conversion rates.


This is part of our Guide to Conversion Rate.
