Ben Young
Ben Young
March 30, 2023

Buying programmatic traffic enables advertisers to get hyper targeted and tap into new audiences. However when it comes to optimizing these new sources to quality, that can be a bit harder.

Optimizing programmatic buys to quality metrics is important, because it ensures that each part of the buy is doing its part. It means right audience, right time, right message and the right message. Advertisers often struggle to sort through the data in a timely manner. So Nudge devised a simple way to deal with this complexity.

Readers may recall the example of Chase Bank, reducing their programmatic placements from 400,000 websites to 5,000 and seeing little change in performance. This is the exact aim, to find those which are working for the advertiser.

Nudge provides metrics on the performance of the clicks, abstracting out the publisher, placement and creative. Which then means each component can be evaluated and adjusted separately. Then during a campaign it is a simple process of reducing the combinations that don’t work, letting the budget spend on the better performing combinations.

Metrics advertisers should think about:

  • Attention, how long people are engaging for each click.
  • Average Scroll, how are customers consuming the page and content.
  • Engagement rate, what customers do on the page, and if they click out, to make a purchase, or sign up to webinar etc.
  • Conversion rate, rate at which people take the desired action.
  • Bounce rate, are people staying, but use a bounce rate that captures if people leave even without clicking a link. Like Nudge does.

Then, comparing each of these metrics by your different programmatic sources, lets you get super smart. Oh, TripleLift drove traffic that had lower engagement than Bidtellect, maybe we need to go and improve TripleLift. Or shift more spend.

Good measurement acts as insurance for programmatic, as you can also identify click drop off, and negotiate discounts or rebates if the quality isn’t where you think it should be.


Related reading:


How to optimize your programmatic buys to quality

Nudge enables you to get extra post-click data for your programmatic buys. This post-click quality helps to indicate which sources are driving good engagement for you.

For example, Sharethrough used this, to focus on the right combinations of traffic sources, to drive the most quality. Often attention is used as a KPI because it is correlated to a higher conversion rate.

Sign up to Nudge to access these metrics.

  1. First you need to sign up to Nudge, click the sign up button.
  2. Enter your email and a password, or log in with Google.
  3. Enter the domain that you want to track.
  4. Nudge will then give you a tracking code. Install that code on your website.
  5. Append the parameters on your clicks, to help filter the data in the Nudge dashboard.
  6. Check back to see your data.
  7. Visit a particular URL to see how audiences are consuming the content.

You will need to append parameters to your click URLs, then you will get a screen like this under your distribution insights tab.


Example of quality metrics on programmatic traffic sources


To enable this view, the Enterprise version of Nudge is required. However the Standard version can review the attention sources and bounce rates, which in some use cases may be sufficient.


