Ben Young
Ben Young
October 14, 2022

Two fold, 1) finding the right platform to promote on. And 2) the right metrics to see that it has been effective. On the latter, you want to see that each click is driving consumption of your content. A click and then leaving the content, not consuming it, means the content has done its job. So you want clicks that drive consumption of your content.

This also means, that often you need to tweak your headline or creative, to drive the most consumption. And probably to go and improve the content itself.

Finding the right platform, requires work too, you want to try a few different platforms, to see what is driving the most consumption for you. At a cost that you can bare, that in turn drives the results you want.

Platforms that work well for promoting content, are those, where users are used to finding new things or are looking for new things. And where you can have a good headline and image, that sets an expectation of what the user will get when they click through.

You will also want to think about time of day and geography. To make sure you promote at the right time of day, when people are most interested and in the right places.

Metrics that can help with content promotion:

  • Reach, how many people are we getting in front of
  • Attention, how long people are engaging for each click.
  • Average Scroll, how are customers consuming the page and content.
  • Engagement rate, what customers do on the page, and if they click out, to make a purchase, or sign up to webinar etc.
  • Conversion rate, rate at which people take the desired action.
  • Bounce rate, are people staying, but use a bounce rate that captures if people leave even without clicking a link. Like Nudge does.
